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Thread: Missing one damn Alien Artifact

  1. #11
    you have to use the jetpack to get up there

  2. #12
    yes jetpack are required to get to a few of the artifacts spesially to the top of the dang pillars near the boat haha! but jetpack was also helpfull finding all the hidden artifacts on the starting island. not hidden but plased in the bushes so jumping gave a better view :-)

  3. #13
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    Where do u get a jetpack? Also shot lightning blast out of my butt once. Not sure what I picked up.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Jetpack is just pressing e when you have the fuel selected (with scroll mouse button down). Then you see three blue lights coming from the back of his suit. If you press space at that point he'll jump higher.

  5. #15
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Korbe78 View Post
    Also shot lightning blast out of my butt once. Not sure what I picked up.
    When you fill up your Testosterone Bar (Blue Bar in upper right hand corner of the screen) and the whole Bar, including the Circular piece to it's left, glows blue, you can activate your Full Testosterone Attack with either (Tab or Right Thumb-stick). This bar is filled every time you cause damage to an enemy.

  6. #16
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    Kool thx, good to know. Not sure if this stuff was in the tutorial. I've always skipped it cus
    my Y button doesn't pick up the first weapon. Oh well.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by bartux View Post
    there is one behind the water fall (near the tree)
    Which waterfall is that?

    There is one big waterfall near the Orc village and the bridge, but there's no artifact there (and no trees either). There's a forked waterfall in the elf forest, where there is an artifact, but it's in a pool and not behind a waterfall. And then there is a waterfall next to the castle, but I couldn't find anything there either (not even sure if it is reachable without cheating). Is there still one more waterfall somewhere?


  8. #18
    There's an artifact NEAR the forked waterfall on top of the pillar next to it. In fact, there were a few alien eggs on top of various pillars in the elf region.

    My last 2 artifacts that I had trouble finding were the one at the back of the ship (been up there several times, but never all the way back, and it is fairly well hidden back there) and 1 on the back of the island where you fight the guys with the light sabers.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Starpilot View Post
    There's an artifact NEAR the forked waterfall on top of the pillar next to it. In fact, there were a few alien eggs on top of various pillars in the elf region.

    My last 2 artifacts that I had trouble finding were the one at the back of the ship (been up there several times, but never all the way back, and it is fairly well hidden back there) and 1 on the back of the island where you fight the guys with the light sabers.
    Got all of those. I'm probably missing some relatively simple one that cannot easily be seen from above (I can use a cheat to float high above ground to get a better view, but still nothing). Might be in the elf region where the trees somewhat hinder view from above. Not on top of a pillar though.


  10. #20

    Some cheats

    Well, got all of them now. It was the one behind the orc chief's hut that was missing - I just hadn't realized there is a space there. Though I needed to use a bit of console magic to find it. Here's some console spells in case you have similar troubles:

    List positions of missing artifacts:
    for(%i=0;%i<FunTickets.getCount();%i++) {%g=FunTickets.getObject(%i); if (%g.gotTicket != "1" && %g.getName() $= "FunTicket") {echo(%g.getPosition());}}
    See your own position:
    You can compare the artifact positions to your own position (NB. the last number is the height) to find them. Or, if you want to have it really easy, you can just teleport your character directly to the next artifact:

    for(%i=0;%i<FunTickets.getCount();%i++) {%g=FunTickets.getObject(%i); if (%g.gotTicket != "1" && %g.getName() $= "FunTicket") { gamechar.setPosition(%g.getPosition());}}
    Actually this quickly sets your character position to each missing artifact's position in turn, but since no collision detection is done in the loop, only the last position matters.

    Oh, and if you haven't used consoles before:
    • You can paste into the console with CTRL-V
    • You can use up and down arrow to move in console history, e.g. pressing up arrow once shows you the previous command. No need to re-enter commands.

    Last edited by juddre; 01-22-2012 at 03:54 PM.


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