I thought Saints Row 3 had nudity? Can't you run around nude? Or do you have pasties on?
There's no nudity in Saint's Row 3, just pasties & panties. U can get nude but there are censor marks. Micro. & Sony are being used by the 1% to create a generation of haters.
I've met many on xbox. chugging red bull, burning through 60 dollar games in days, its all a big violent scam to breed an army to be ready to kill at the drop of a hat. They want everyone angry, sexual frustrated, & violently unstable. Fight it by not paying 60 bucks for a game(get em used on amazon or just rent) & support D-dub, cus they're the only ones trying to make sexy-fun videogames, and not just 3d sex simulators. (except japan which has illusion games but their not sharing.their games are illegal outside japan)