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Thread: Latest D-DUB project

  1. #1

    Latest D-DUB project

    Hi all,

    Figured I could post this here. It's about a new project d-dub has been involved in. It's due to release in September some time.


    So... What is this really? Well, it's basically an interactive video in which you control the speed the girl/dick moves by thrusting/moving your fleshlight. Google it if you want to know more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff from Vstroker posting on fleshlight forums
    In addition to shooting porn stars, Vstroker has been working on a virtual sex animation series.

    Below is a high res trailer for our first video of ten in the soon to be released series. Other Vstroker enabled content in this series will contain an array of fantasy character, many of which already have Fleshlight Freak sleeves to go along with them. The first video of this series will launch exclusively on next month.
    A trailer showing off what it's all about:

    Here are some screencaps for those of you not wanting to download a 100+ MB video:

    Hope you enjoy!

  2. #2
    Very interesting. I had heard of vstroker before but never really looked into it. Reasonably priced relatively speaking. I'm going to seriously consider picking up the full package. The d-dub stuff looks like a nice addition too. Thanks for posting this!

  3. #3
    i almost thought this was fake till i saw the coming soon advert on the fleshlight web page. i am wanting to know which party re-rendered the 3d models. i am not interested in an interactive video, but look at those 3d models. the detail in body parts, eyes, hair, and even freckles. i would like to see that in a new bonetown game. thx. for the info. it informs us that d-dub is still working on improving.
    Last edited by FastLane; 08-19-2012 at 05:29 AM.

  4. #4
    That looks awesome When you guys can do videos like that, I'm expecting a lot of improvement in the next game. Sure, it probably won't be as good as in the video since it's not pre-rendered in a game, but still

  5. #5
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Interactive video from D-Dub Software that works with the V-Sroker and Fleshlight - COMING SOON!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by raziel321 View Post
    That looks awesome When you guys can do videos like that, I'm expecting a lot of improvement in the next game. Sure, it probably won't be as good as in the video since it's not pre-rendered in a game, but still
    That rendered video looks great. I'd love to play a new game looking almost as good as that ...
    A game made with a good 3D engine can look very good, just look at Mass Effect 2 and 3 made with Unreal Engine 3 ...
    A new game made with a licensed engine, like CryEngine 3 could do the trick.

  7. #7
    Can't wait for this to come out! Definitely will buy a copy.

  8. #8
    This looks like it's out now?

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Did anyone try this? How long is the full movie?


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