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Thread: Anyone still playing?

  1. #1

    Unhappy Anyone still playing?

    Just wondering if anyone still hangs out here. I've been on Bone Toob and I see that I'm always the one that's online when I come on. I also see that d-dub hasn't been giving out updates regularly and I don't see lot's of new posts anymore but spammers... I really hope I'm not alone. So if you still hang out in the forums and play the game let me know! D:

  2. #2
    im waiting on a new content patch for bonecraft. amadollaho was nice but seemed rushed. and yes this place definitely needs more moderators. so many spammers.
    Last edited by sniff3005; 10-05-2012 at 01:08 AM.

  3. #3
    Yeah it's pretty much the same as the Angel one from BoneTown. Did D-Dub ever confirmed an upcoming content patch?

  4. #4
    not to my knowledge. just hoping.

  5. #5
    Aw well then I hope they do.

  6. #6
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    I'm still 'checking up' on d-dub but w/ BC not keeping up w/ BT I am modding Skyrim.
    I hope D-dub's next game is more open worldy. Not expecting any more 'dlc' for BC but that makes
    recieving something that much better! Till then I'll be at the nexus. Sry d-dub. I need open world!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  7. #7
    Hi playing the game for the first time right now - jsut compleated it got all artifacts but I cant find Princes Amadollaho anyware. I got latest patch 1.04 and I cant see any lead now.

    I saw videos about jumping on some discs in the sky but I dont know where to start. Can anybody plz tell me where this run for Amodollah starts and about any requirements to start it ?

  8. #8
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    Quote Originally Posted by Angmir View Post
    Hi playing the game for the first time right now - jsut compleated it got all artifacts but I cant find Princes Amadollaho anyware. I got latest patch 1.04 and I cant see any lead now.

    I saw videos about jumping on some discs in the sky but I dont know where to start. Can anybody plz tell me where this run for Amodollah starts and about any requirements to start it ?
    She's right at the beginning. When you start there's a big pink icon on the map.
    NOTICE: Just play ur normal BC game, NOT ur mod version. Tried my mod version & she wasn't there.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Korbe78 View Post
    She's right at the beginning. When you start there's a big pink icon on the map.
    NOTICE: Just play ur normal BC game, NOT ur mod version. Tried my mod version & she wasn't there.
    Thanks for reply

    And you mean righ after start ? You mean Tutorial inside the ship ? or just the crash site before the first mission ? Sorry but I cant see the pink dot. And I just purchased and downloaded the vanilla game no mods.

    Ok I just saw on the video the pink mission totem next to crashed ship. the problem is there is no such totem for me. Is it avaliable only after beating the game on certain difficulity or what ? I finished only easy so far. Is that a problem ?
    Last edited by Angmir; 11-14-2012 at 06:06 PM.


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