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Thread: Comments on chap 6, and combat in general

  1. #1

    Comments on chap 6, and combat in general

    The combat is getting to be an annoying grind at times, especially getting noticeable in chapter 6, just on normal difficulty.
    I'm getting tired of infinite respawn enemies, tired of group combat, tired of allies who can't or won't guard my back, as I constantly get attacked from all directions. There isn't a moment's respite to be had, especially with archers and melee combining to interrupt me every time I try to do anything. My health drops fast sometimes under these conditions, and I have trouble interacting with sexbot to get any boost for healing, with all the interrupts.
    Combat is better than Bonetown in some ways, but you had more spammable special attacks in Bonetown, and didn't have to worry about as many foes or dealing with incompetent allies as much. You could combat cheapness with cheapness a little more readily.
    I'm not the best gamer, but I am very, very experienced, in a number of different genres, and I'm finding myself frustrated enough to ragequit multiple times, from a game that should be a light and entertaining distraction from the frustrations of real life.
    It's a little much. I've died/retried about 6 times so far, still at it, on this chapter alone. I know that since this is the internet, a bunch of other people will chime in to say things like: "This is actually too easy, even on hard difficulty, you must suck, etc."
    Regardless, if it's pissing me off, it'll be even worse for a lot of the other people who try to play it on release. I'm pretty patient, and it's hard to get me to that point. With others, they'll put it down and never pick it up again.
    To compound the issue, if normal is getting this rough, and we now have to complete certain missions on hard to unlock more chicks, etc., that's going to be a problem as well. I'd also rather not play on easy; normal should be fine for me. I'm saying that, currently, it isn't.
    I don't care how easy other people say it is; I'm just saying how it is for me. I really want to like this game, and I really don't want to regret my preorder. I rarely preorder games at all, I usually wait for a sale, don't have a large game budget these days. It's a leap of faith, and I am starting to regret it, but hopefully things will level off, and get a bit smoother.
    My real life is pretty frustrating these days, I'd like to be less frustrated after a gaming session, not more so. Thanks for listening, and sorry for ranting a bit, just in a bad mood at the moment.

  2. #2
    I've been reading a lot about the combat in this game and I'm actually quite sad to hear that there is more combat in Bonecraft than Bonetown. To be honest, I hated the combat in Bonetown. Some of it was okay, but it was really annoying at about 3/4 through. The more I read, the more Bonecraft seems to be almost all about combat. That's not why I want to play the game. And I do completely suck at games for the most part. I want a little challenge but not a frustrating one. I played Bonetown for the boning, not the combat. I don't want even more combat.

  3. #3
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    The combat has been increased in BoneCraft, but so has the sex. The Sex Stores offer much more sexual options than BoneTown. The fighting was increased because we have always defined ourselves as a Sex Video Game, not a Sex Simulator.

  4. #4
    It ain't the quantity that is necessarily an issue for me, it's the quality. I like combat in games where combat doesn't feel cheap or frustrating. And I think it has improved, it's just that if you want this amount of enemies, groups, and respawning, it'll have to be damn fun to keep it interesting.

    Right now it feels like your efforts in defeating opponents don't matter, because they come back so quickly that it devalues the fact that you just defeated them, and they keep the pressure on so well that you have trouble even picking up the health,ammo, or cash they drop. More breathing room between waves would be nice. Also, hitting the defend command option for your squad should mean you get attacked from behind less often, but it doesn't seem to matter that much, unfortunately, and in tight areas they sometimes even get in your way more than they help. Nothing like having a grenade blow up at your feet because a squaddie intercepted it, heh.

    Also, the constant interrupt factor is an obnoxious source of difficulty, and isn't a good thing in general to have in a game with a lot of combat. Nothing frustrates a player like having control interrupted or removed, and when it feels like that happens a lot, the fun factor goes out the window. There are other ways to make combat challenging. It's not as bad as it was in Bonetown, but it still feels like it happens a ton, especially when fighting enemies capable of ranged attacks. It can be hard to even tell where those are coming from, or to do anything about them while fending off melee opponents at the same time. You don't have time to turtle up and defend, and if you attack, you get hit from all sides. Those pesky elven opponents are good example of how annoying that can be.

    I agree that the sex options are more plentiful, and I like that. It's tough to appreciate that aspect while getting your arse handed to you in fights, and to have that chaos constantly swirling around you. It ends up being more about getting health back than any kind of eroticism (unless you're in the fantasy room, which is nice).

    You guys are on the right track with the improvements, it's just that certain factors are interrupting the experience. I'm not trying to give you guys a bad rap or scare people off (this is why a lot of companies make beta forums invite-only, but I am impressed by your honesty in having them open to the public), just trying to offer constructive criticism and being honest when I'm having trouble, so that it can be avoided later on down the road for others. I am trying to be a good tester.
    Thanks for listening.

  5. #5
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    New England,U.S.A.
    I really enjoy using the glow sword. Although I dislike stepping foward when slashing. I LOVE that I no longer drop my weapon when hit. I HATE being knocked down constantly! Mission 6 is tough on easy! LOL!
    There should be a bit of cool down time, more like waves, u need it to feel more like a rollercoaster ride. Up & down, Up & down. Not AAARRRGGHHHH!!!!! FAG ELVES! all the time. Even with a full unit I couldn't get a breather. Can't chat w/ bot to get healed. That shit is frustrating but Mis. 3 is VERY fun & should be a mini-game in certain areas. (Orcs,gay elves, etc.) Also Mis. 7 I cut my squad down to just me & Bonehead & almost
    everytime I try to chat w/ a elf chick I get knocked out of the way,then wouldn't u know it, that damn partner
    steals my chick! VERY frustrating. Maybe if he's already banged a girl he shouldn't be allowed to bang another
    till AFTER I do again. Mis. 1 & 2 could use a few more waves to stretch it out a bit. So funner than BT but needs a bit of rythym tweaking.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Dub View Post
    The combat has been increased in BoneCraft, but so has the sex. The Sex Stores offer much more sexual options than BoneTown. The fighting was increased because we have always defined ourselves as a Sex Video Game, not a Sex Simulator.
    But what people loved about BoneTown was the game of boning, not the combat. You guys have thus redefined yourself in the process of becoming a combat video game with some sex thrown into the mix, rather than what bonetown was: a fun game of boning with some necessary sub-par combat.

    I have to agree with many of the comments above. You guys are a small studio who can never hope to make the combat comparable to combat games. What you were willing to do is focus on boning (and you made a game that was great in that regard with BoneTown). Unfortunately, that is kind of gone with bonecraft. So, you sort of traded what you were great at with what you're not great at.

  7. #7
    I kind of like the concept of BoneCraft because it is more of a combat game. When I first heard about BoneCraft, I figured that it was going to have more fighting, blood and violence. BoneTown had more humorous/slapstick violence (which I like as well). I do agree, I would like to bone random orc and elven chicks of all sizes when I'm freely roaming around the world or on possible side missions. But if I have to do it in a classic shoot-em-up style to bone those chicks, then I would.

    As far as the combat itself, I was able to play through and finish the beta on Normal difficulty. In my opinion, there were times that it was challenging, but not frustrating or annoying. I'm playing it now to see how I can use my gear and Wranglers effectively before preceding to the Hard difficulty when the game is officially released. I'm hoping that the Hard difficulty will give out more challenges and rewards. I wish BoneTown would have a difficulty setting.

    I would like to see D-Dub add the new sex features/positions of BoneCraft into a BoneTown expansion(?). That way, BoneTown will have some longevity. I do like that D-Dub is trying new things out to put out great Sex Video Games. There are plenty of Sex Simulators out there, so why should they make one (unless it's in their plans in the future).

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by SpockRocket View Post
    But what people loved about BoneTown was the game of boning, not the combat.

    I'm all for a little combat, but if this has indeed turned into more of a combat game with some sex on the side, then I'm not as interested in playing. And is sex only available *during* combat? (other than the sex lounge area?). I still play Bonetown because I can endlessly run around areas boning various chicks and not worry about fighting or advancing any plot.
    Last edited by darius12; 01-02-2012 at 07:33 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonesy View Post
    (this is why a lot of companies make beta forums invite-only, but I am impressed by your honesty in having them open to the public)
    Yes, you guys are great with being open and listening and answering questions. It's very refreshing.

  10. #10
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    Adding girls to bone while you free roam is a great idea. Then I could keep
    collecting money without going back to a mission point. Also I miss hidden/secret
    rare girls to find like Hod's Hidden Girls in BT.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!


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