Has anyone noticed if the melee weapon they may have purchased before launching a mission is properly applying its damage bonus?
For example, the hammer weapon (which is supposed to set your melee strength to 20) is only showing 10 while running around with it.
Just curious because on my main save file I have going, all the purchase-able weapons are doing this. Hammer is giving a 10 bonus instead of 20, sword is giving 9 instead of 19, etc.
Here's a couple of screenshots for reference.
Looking at the hammer weapon in the shop:
BoneCraft - Hammer Bonus.JPG
What the hammer looks like in-game after purchasing it:
BoneCraft - Hammer Bonus In-Game.JPG
And the worst part is I don't know when it started happening (damn it). I just know if I start a new save, the purchase-able weapons are back to giving their proper melee strength bonuses.