It ain't the quantity that is necessarily an issue for me, it's the quality. I like combat in games where combat doesn't feel cheap or frustrating. And I think it has improved, it's just that if you want this amount of enemies, groups, and respawning, it'll have to be damn fun to keep it interesting.

Right now it feels like your efforts in defeating opponents don't matter, because they come back so quickly that it devalues the fact that you just defeated them, and they keep the pressure on so well that you have trouble even picking up the health,ammo, or cash they drop. More breathing room between waves would be nice. Also, hitting the defend command option for your squad should mean you get attacked from behind less often, but it doesn't seem to matter that much, unfortunately, and in tight areas they sometimes even get in your way more than they help. Nothing like having a grenade blow up at your feet because a squaddie intercepted it, heh.

Also, the constant interrupt factor is an obnoxious source of difficulty, and isn't a good thing in general to have in a game with a lot of combat. Nothing frustrates a player like having control interrupted or removed, and when it feels like that happens a lot, the fun factor goes out the window. There are other ways to make combat challenging. It's not as bad as it was in Bonetown, but it still feels like it happens a ton, especially when fighting enemies capable of ranged attacks. It can be hard to even tell where those are coming from, or to do anything about them while fending off melee opponents at the same time. You don't have time to turtle up and defend, and if you attack, you get hit from all sides. Those pesky elven opponents are good example of how annoying that can be.

I agree that the sex options are more plentiful, and I like that. It's tough to appreciate that aspect while getting your arse handed to you in fights, and to have that chaos constantly swirling around you. It ends up being more about getting health back than any kind of eroticism (unless you're in the fantasy room, which is nice).

You guys are on the right track with the improvements, it's just that certain factors are interrupting the experience. I'm not trying to give you guys a bad rap or scare people off (this is why a lot of companies make beta forums invite-only, but I am impressed by your honesty in having them open to the public), just trying to offer constructive criticism and being honest when I'm having trouble, so that it can be avoided later on down the road for others. I am trying to be a good tester.
Thanks for listening.