Yeah, I know... That's how I just finished it after 4 hours of playing. Now the bad-ass part is:

I had 2300 ammo for my rifle. I was working on the cockmonsters and made it to the final boss. I died and after I respawned in the shop, I it showed only had 1 bullet left despite the fact that I died with 1300!!! I spent pretty much all of my money not realizing the count of the bullets wasn't going up... uuuuh what? I also saved after that... so now I have $4000 and I have to do the whole Cockmonster level with 800 bullets? I don't think so.

This game seriously needs to get unfucked or the FRUSTRATION level needs to be dropped and the player not get knocked on his ass so much or at least give him the ability to knock the enemy on their ass like that... especially those two big cock fucking monsters that you can't knock back worth dick.

This game isn't fun. It's funny... but it's a sack of frustration at the hard level. That is not a way to program a difficulty level. That's the lazy way to program it to be harder.