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Thread: OMG those fucking elves.

  1. #11
    honestly, after going back and redoing this on Hard with 3 commandos and upraded gear it wasnt bad at all, but I would have had to spend hours and hours and hours farming to get that stuff going through the first time. It was just a BIT much with the gear I had the first time. but I DID develop a decent strategy. I would let my wranglers loose away from the altars, then run to it about 20 ft away, well say stand at 12 oclock. shoot twice, then rotate to 3 oclock. shoot twice, rotate to 6 oclock, shoot twice, rotate to 9 oclock, shoot twice, rotate to noon again. about this time an elf would spawn. kill him while constatnly moving. then do the clock rotation on the altar again. doing this the arrows would launch at my previous location and miss me, and I rarely got hit. I dropped the altars about the time my wranglers died, id run to the next area away from the altar, kill elves while running around constantly until they respawned, rinse repeat. This was how i finally beat it. Its a good strategy for when you are undergeared, takes a while, but you dodge those damn rainbow arrows, and keep the majority of the elves off your back because most spawn by your wranglers, which are away from the altar. Of course, if I was to start 100% fresh again, Id just farm a previous mission for hours on end buy 3 commandos LOL

  2. #12
    ya know what might help? godlike(gamechar);

    just sayin

  3. #13
    what fun is that?

  4. #14
    I love the rifle's range and the pushback. I just upgraded my shotgun to level 3, but I haven't tried it out, yet.

  5. #15
    I played the game the first time on medium. I only had trouble on medium with 2 maps--- and only with round 3 on both of them. First map that gave me trouble was mission 3, Manifest Destiny. It is just the sort of map that needs to be done very quickly.

    I blew away the elves on the first couple rounds, but round 3, they murdered me and kept doing it. I often got one shot killed. But I figured out what most of that was--- the elves are spawning and trying to attack during the opening animation. Skip it and go fight. Also gear up.

    When I did it on hard, I wasted them very quickly. But that was because I was geared up and understood why that map was so hard to beat the first time around--- it's tight, lots of enemies spawn, and you have attackers that can get through your block. I murdered the map by using the cannon and getting above everyone. That let me defend my troopers while they ran around and got me everything. Piece of cake.

    That doesn't work on manifest destiny (no where to get up above the enemy to rain death over the combat theatre). Just running very fast does on that map does though. Go figure.

  6. #16

    Quote Originally Posted by lutelian View Post
    Been playing all night, and even though it's only on medium I had a HELL of a time with those fucking elves. YOU know the ones I'm talking about. Anyone else find themselves after fighting the dark elves trying to destroy the altars thinking "gee, it can't get any harder than this" realize that really wasn't that bad after they end up fighting the fucking regular elves and Wink (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!) OVER, and OVER, and OVER again???? Or am I just too tired and playing worse as the game progresses? I actually got one shotted one of the times I restarted that mission (mission 6 I think). Started up, and then a minute into it, no damage, 4 or five elves finish a combo on me simultaneously and i instantly died. My reaction was a VERY loud "Are you fucking kidding me??!?!?!?!" Anyways, despite what some of the other people have said/commented during beta, their fears, etc, I'm enjoying the hell out of the game so far, and I hope D-Dub puts out an xpac or starts working on some more shit.

    All I have to say is those fucking elves. jesus fucking christ.
    Yep those elven Goddesses are something !!
    My favorite is Chapter 7 and 9 where you get to fuck with them while fighting goes on in the background. It would be great though, if my teammates would not fuck so much and just concentrate on non female villains.
    Last edited by boneluwer; 02-02-2012 at 12:33 AM. Reason: the headmaster

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