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Thread: Hod's Hidden Chix

  1. #1
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.

    Hod's Hidden Chix

    Show video of you banging ALL of Hod's hidden girls. Not sure how
    many there are.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  2. #2
    Put the Hod Girls/Orcs/Elfs in BoneCraft and submit your gamesave/console log to D-Dub to verify that you found all of them. Also, put a patch in BoneTown to relocate the Hod Girls' since there are websites to help find them.

    Better yet, do a scavenger hunt for both games. Just like the hidden tokens, but you can search for 25 different objects (weapons, sex toys,etc.) in the correct order. There might be clues given at each location to find the next object.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Silent Hill
    the problem with the hidden chicks is they are supose to give you special weapons and after you fuck them good they dont give you the damn weapon,for most cases,like the one in missionary beach ontop of the mountain,and the angel aint giving the special weapon eather

    btw,I think korbe78 gave up too on this forum and bonetoob,cant blame anyone,all this aint going nowhere,just another good long memory.dead but not forgoten

  4. #4
    Can someone tell me how to find all the hidden girls in bonetown is there a guide or website?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    there are 3 videos of hidden girls on bonetoob dot com
    search word: 'Hidden Girl'

    the forum dont let me post the direct link

  6. #6
    Lăn kim mang lại tác dụng không ngờ trong việc điều trị sẹo rỗ/ sẹo lõm. Đây l* b* quyết khắc phục trạng thái da n*y một phương pháp hiệu quả nhất m* ko cần tốn rộng rãi thời kì, giá tiền. thực chất của sẹo l* sự thiếu hụt collagen v* elastin do đó có cơ chế tăng sinh collagen, Lăn kim sẽ mau chóng l*m đầy sẹo, tái tạo tế b*o mới, cho da mịn m*ng. phối hợp lăn kim có kem trị sẹo Scar Esthetique 60ml giúp hiệu quả rẻ nhất


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