Quote Originally Posted by BoneCrafter View Post
In order to change the main character, you only need to change or redefine mainCharacterGen. You can find this in game\dataBlocks\characterGenData\characterGen_Gene ricGUYS.cs on line 2814:
datablock CharacterGenData(mainCharacterGen : FortWorthDude)
	characterBlock0 = "MainCharacterData";
	moneyRange = "0;0";
This datablock inherits from FortWorthDude with the exception of the characterBlock0 (defined in \game\dataBlocks\characterData\male.cs) and the money range. So for example if you use LittleDickMonsterDude instead of FortWorthDude, the main character will be a dick monster.

Unfortunately at this time female main characters are not supported. This is mostly because females do not strafe, run backwards, take damage, deal damage, mack, etc.

What were to happen if you left that spot blank? Would the character be invisbile?

Also, what would actually happen if you replaced it with one of the elf chick moduls. Would the game crash? If not... I wouldn't care if the animation looked dodgy with side strafing etc. I'd imagine the character would remaine still-ish as you walked forward and back. Which would be fine for me. Plus, don't they have an attack animation for them anyway as well as a falling over animation (taking damage)... Wouldn't those apply?