Quote Originally Posted by pino View Post
How do you know they made much money of BT? The adult game industry is a very hard market. Why? People don't pay for porn. I am actually surprised that they were able to come up with the sequel, Bonecraft. I think they kept it smaller on purpose: so it would be cheaper to make. This would mean that they would need to sell less copies to make a profit.

It's good that you and me both keep supporting them. Let's hope everyone does that.
You're right for the most part. However that's because the market is very saturated and you have hundreds upon hundreds of youtube porn clones. In my honest opinion it's a time like this where something unique is needed. When I want somethign very specific and not just random generic material I am willing to pay for it. it's why i bought bonetown and then bonecraft. It's because the adult game market is very very cheesy in america, usually it's just lackluster flash games that a high school student could toss together. It's also been a realm for the japanese who have lots of hentai games, though the anime style never appealed to me. I enjoy bonecraft/bonetowns sort of westernized/disney-esque look. All that said though I was a bit disappointing with this offering. The game can still use more animations and an easier way to cycle through them other than pressing tab. The lack of special sex scenes after the missions are completed was also a huge let down, especially after the VERY aggravating endless combat. The humor level also suffered over bonetown (gay jokes and punctuating everything with "jesus" doesn't constitute humor)

All of that could be forgiven if they just add more variety, a true missionary position, handjobs, tit sex, more anal (don't think I'm alone when i say my favorite animation is the against the wall anal one) lastly, when selecting girls, unless I'm missing something, why can't we choose the body size? I could be in the minority here but I prefer the "middle" girls, between the skinny standard ones and the huge ones