I try to play on hard.... But hard does that mean the same as impossible to play.
How do i ever get the girls unlocked if you can't win no mission????
What a waste of time... and money
I try to play on hard.... But hard does that mean the same as impossible to play.
How do i ever get the girls unlocked if you can't win no mission????
What a waste of time... and money
You need to gear up. That is, you need to upgrade your gear. I just aced mission 6 on hard with all my wranglers dead from the start because I am not max geared.
Also, upgrade your squard of wranglers. They are very helpful on most hard missions, and having them be as tough as you can get will help you.
So run those medium and easy missions to get a lot of money, upgrade yourself and your squad, and soon you will be able to walk over hard.
I have everything Geard up. The problem is mission 3 on hard. I run from statue to statue. my sexbot transforms it all but when i go to the next one it gets captured by the orcs again. So i have to reclaim it again.
My wranglers running arround like idiots and not much of help. and so i'm running around the map only to fight agains an overwelming amount of Orcs.
After 30 Minutes of gameplay at mission 3 level 3.. i got no further 5 statue's red, me out of ammo, and fighting like crazy against Orcs that come from everywhere.
This is totaly no fun. And so i Quit with this game.. to hard for me!!!!!
Strange to hear considering how many ppl say they rip through the game & that it's too easy. I dunno myself, I'm still on mission 8 on easy. I pace myself.
I love redheads & killing zombies!
Set your team to ATTACK. Use the Jet pack CONSTANTLY. When orc's pray at a statue which was grey before, let them pray at it. If they prey at something which was yours, green, shoot once. Try to time it well. The only problem is probably that you do not use jet packs constantly.
Mission 3 on hard gave me fits on the last level. I was all geared up, and running my squad that ROLLED OVER all other hard levels. That was part of the problem.
What I found to work for me is this:
* skip the opening scene (hit return)
* use jet fuel constantly to run (sex bot can keep up if unobstructive)
* swap your squaddies down from top guys. Rifle, shotgun and flamers is the loadout for that map. (Don't forget to swap them out for your normal squad afterward)
* go 1-2-3-5-4.
Let the orcs have the grey ones.
Set your squad to defend you at the start, then set them to attack at the first statue.
When an orc goes to convert your green statues, jet fuel over, and shoot him with a rifle--- repeatily. Remember, you can keep shooting a target that the rifle has sent flying and do damage to it.
I did the mission with Rifle and Flamer load out. I also have done it with Rifle and Cannon. I have never managed to do it with the shotgun. Remember, rifle can fire THROUGH TREES and THROUGH THE GROUND. I ran the level guzzling jet fuel, running fast, and blasting the rifle whenever I wasn't running.
If you can't get the shaman away fast enough, set the squad to defend at that statue, then when they get there, set them to attack.
The key is speed--- don't give the orcs a chance to build up the swarm. RUN between statues. You might want to run to the next statue target as soon as sex bot starts converting a statue. Sometimes she will get caught and have sex though if you aren't close to her when she gets done at a statue and starts heading towards you.
Seriously, speed is the key. That map can eat hours otherwise, if you have the ammo.
Last edited by Starpilot; 01-20-2012 at 03:21 AM. Reason: fixing spelling mistakes
I don't think the ammo really matters, I just used the shotgun (which is actually not a very handy for that level. Rifle is better indeed).
So in short:
* jet fuel constantly
* set squad to attack
* run away from the statue as soon as sexbot is converting
Thanks all,
As soon if i have the time i will try all the tips.
Maybe i'll get it done, maybe not...
This is really the principal problem with BoneCraft. I've been writing a gameplay review off and on that I plan on posting once I have all my thoughts collected. But the curx of my beef with the game is just because a game is hard or difficult to beat, it does not mean that the game is challenging or engaging to complete. I have completed the game on hard, and did so in less than a day. However the tactics used to complete the game revolve around perching, invulnerability abuse, and spawn raping.
Don't get me wrong, I dig BoneGames, but there's room for improvement. Stay tuned for a tl;dr post from me =P
I beat the game mostly on the strength of my rifle. First play through on medium, only had a couple of problems with a couple of maps on their final round. But on hard, I was constantly running on jet fuel, and using my rifle every second I was stopped (except when I was carpet bombing a target area on 3 maps using a maxed cannon). With a well upgraded cannon, you can just hit the high ground and carpet bomb on a lot of maps, but I only found it necessary to win the map on 3 of the missions. On maps where the elves are shooting me from the archery perches, I don't feel it is unfair to give them the same.