Location: Chapter 6 - Race to the Bitches

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Play through the game until unlocking Chapter 6 (or load a save and switch from a chapter/mission console to Chapter 6)

2. Complete Stage 1 normally to proceed to Stage 2

3. During Stage 2, head to where the barrier is and have the main character consume some fuel (to increase speed and jumping height)

4. Jump up the hill/mountain side just to the right of the barrier


In the area marked by the red circle in the first screenshot, the player is able to get past the barrier before actually disabling it (see screenshots below for example).

Expected Result:

Player is not able to bypass the barriers until completing the necessary objectives.


BoneCraft - Jumping Past Barrier 1.JPG

BoneCraft - Jumping Past Barrier 2.JPG


Player seems to still be able to complete the objective for Stage 2 even if they get past the barrier prematurely, although it can be difficult waiting for the other Space Wranglers to complete the objectives for the player (and probably be even more tricky on a higher difficulty). In addition, the player is still able to hit the "gem" that disables the barrier from the other side.