To reproduce:

1. Create multiple save games/profiles by starting a New Game (example: create 3 saves/profiles calling them SAVE 1, SAVE 2, and SAVE 3)

2. Return to the main menu of the game and delete SAVE 2 and SAVE 3

3. Quit the game and from the desktop browse to the BoneCraft savegames folder (located at C:\Users\<insert username here>\AppData\Roaming\BoneCraft\savegames)

Note: The \AppData\ folder is, I believe, a hidden system folder by default so to see it the user will have to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files/folders.

4. Notice that the two saved games that were deleted, SAVE 2 and SAVE 3, are still present (though if the user relaunches the game neither save is available to load)