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Thread: Bonecraft review from a german player (wall of text/spoilers included,care)

  1. #11
    >>you are ignorant

    Name calling now? Why do I even bother trying to post anything here?

    I never said they promised free roaming, but when you advertize a game as if it's going to be similar to Bonetown only improved, then it's not ridiculous that some might assume the gameplay will be similar. Yes, they never said it was going to be exactly like Bonetown, but they also never said it was going to be different. So reasonably, going by what they showed, I assumed it would be like Bonetown in gameplay.
    Last edited by darius12; 01-25-2012 at 04:47 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #12
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    when you advertize a game as if it's going to be similar to Bonetown only improved,
    'as if' sounds like you assumed too much because BT was from the same company that made BC. Where did they say it was an 'improved' version of BT?

    Assuming makes an ass out of you & me!
    Last edited by Korbe78; 01-25-2012 at 05:28 PM.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  3. #13
    well D-Dub simply ruined his gamestyle they created with Bonetown. Ripping off everything that made the game BT so fun and simply adding guns and new sex stuff doesn't makes it better......especially if the game is friggin small.. I would really like to know how long and how many developers actually worked on BC......i mean, if they see BT and watch on BC they probably must have realised: god,this is one hell of a short game (but hey,who cares - some retards will buy it and we had a short production time).

    In germany we have a sentence for that: Ist dein Ruf erstmal ruiniert, lebt es sich recht ungeniert - simply means: if ur reputation is broken,u live easier and without much less stress.....if thats it what D Dub wanted, they got it. Looking at BC they definetly had it coming......and I MEAN BIG! If no one would complain about that game I would wonder what the hell is going on. Its like with that Star Trek Online game. Its total rubbish,but most Amercians keep playing it. In EU players that get a piece of shit software they do not keep supporting it because its what it is.....garbage,crap. It simply gets beaten down so the developers behind it does not do shit like that again. I hope that D Dub really thing about it and change what they have done here with BC.

  4. #14
    Look, BC is not a TERRIBLE game, please don;t get me wrong. I definitly had some good fun and some good fapping BUT...

    After the success of BT and after the 35$ price tag and all the hyping done by D-Dub, BC is a like the D- student that barely passed the class because he did well on his FIRST project.
    1. The game is absurdly short compared to BT.
    2. They didn't really learn from BT: they added a LOT of meat grind fighting (which I don't think anyone applauded in BT) and toned down the free roaming, the countless secrets and collectables, and diverse areas (which everyone loved them for)...thats just DUMB when developing games in series.

    I honestly still think they can save this crash by adding mod tools and PLEASE add some more content D-Dub! It doesnt even have to be missions (please no more meat grinding), just a few more open areas with some new skins and some more collectables and unique models would be great! They just need to steer this BC offshoot just a liitttlle more towards the direction of BT.

    I do have to say though, I dig the models.

  5. #15
    Wow. Just because a developer makes a game, that doesn't mean the next game they make will be IDENTICAL. What is wrong with you people? Seriously, all you had to do was check what they provided on the web site to know this was NOT BT 2 in space.

    The guys going "It's not worth $35". Hey, it's the premium price for the game on release. Just like Skyrims was $65 on release in these parts. If you rushed in with buying it on release (or pre-order) with your dreams that it was just BT in space AND NOT PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO WHAT D-DUB PUBLISHED (more fighting, lots of easy sex, W40K and SF spoofs, etc) , that's your own mistake, and you should be beating yourself up instead of blaming and raging at Dub.

    Presuming game 2 will be like game 1 cause it is from the same company is idiotic. They always change things up, even in the same franchise, and BC was not promised to be part of the BT franchise--- just a game that had fighting with orcs and sex with elves (and orcs) in it.

    BC is a good game. It's priced fairly cheap for a game with as much sex as you want in it. Don't believe me, go hit the adult game sites, and do some window shopping.

    Is it a fantastic tactical game, letting you order your squad of horny space marines to do exactly what you want when you want it? No. But it is a basic fighting and basic tactics game--- with humor and all the sex you want. Not much out there that is strong on tactics AND lets you have sex--- and that's including the native japanese sex games. So BC is already on level with that, and if you got to import one of the few tactical hentai games from Japan--- you'll be paying between $70 to $120. So BC is freaking bargain basement CHEAP compared to its only competition, and you don't have to learn to read Japanese!

    For a game that lets you have ANIMATED sex with girls, it is still cheap. Go check out the stuff that lets you have sex in a variety of positions that you pick--- go ahead. I'll wait. They are currently all subscription sites (and that's $20 or more a month), or very cheap base models (one is free), but you'll be spending between $30 or more buying "DLC" expansions so you can do something other than a plain jane in a position other than missionary.

    So bitch bitch, moan moan. Dub never hyped this game as BT in Space--- that was other people and other places. Sure, you can find a FIGHTING/ADVENTURE game that has more fighting and more adventure for cheaper--- but it won't have sex in it. It is damn hard to find any game with MORE sex in it, or better sex in it, for any price--- and BC gives you SF humor, some adventure, and a lot of fighting to go with it.

    Look at what the game is, not at what your dreams and wishes were cause you liked BT (and I bet you were hating on BT for making you run around 15 minutes to just cross between 3 areas, forcing you to do some really ridiculous stunts to get the best pipes--- like the double jumps to move up (what is it doing--- prince of persian?) or the jump and activate superpowered rush just before you start falling out of the sky so you can land on top of a building (and having to restart your climbing assault if you missed it). If the music wasn't so good in some places in that game--- ugh. Worse, if you KNOW THE GAME, you can actually go get yourself a super body FROM THE VERY START of the game making the entire game trivial. Missionwise, BT is a quick play--- it's that adventure and farming for better bodies, better weapons, building up your drug stockpile, and trying to beat drug bosses to gain their superpowers that added so much to our first time play throughs. Go back, and BT doesn't take long to beat, AND it doesn't let you see about many of the reward scenes without replaying the missions. Don't forget, most of the actual missions were very repetitive as well. Most amounted to get item, or beat down all enemies (or both)--- using a superpower to exploit the game architecture to beat the mission. Note, I'm not dumping on BT, it is a great game. But it was "hated" for almost everything people are dumping on BC for--- other than "not being enough like BT" and BC being "too small" area-wise while BT was "too big" area-wise.

    BC is a good game--- as long as you didn't want it to ONLY be a seriously improved BT. It isn't over-priced compared to its actual competition. It is in fact cheap to about average depending on the adult game NICHE you are looking at. Could Dub had cooked the game longer and made it 10 out of 10 rated game? Sure. But it is a good, fun game that has you playing a space marine fighting orcs and elves and screwing sex bots, orc girls, and elf girls. I'd have loved it if the game had more areas, but I wasn't unhappy with the game when I had beat it. So I'll stand up and defend it from the haters, cause it is a good game and it was worth the money I spent on it.

  6. #16
    Lieutenant HanPL's Avatar
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    For a game that lets you have ANIMATED sex with girls, it is still cheap.
    You know there are mods to Oblivion that add 1000% more and advanced sexual content and it's for free ? And I'm not joking.
    LoversPK plugin add what ever you can think of.

    Go check out the stuff that lets you have sex in a variety of positions that you pick--- go ahead. I'll wait.
    Hmm let's say BC have like 20~30 animations.

    LoversPK have over 500 animations with each of them having 3 stages (slow,faster,cumming ) and each of stagnes looks diffrent so it's 500x3.
    Including Blowjobs/Cowgirl/Standing/Anal/Creampies/Missionary etc etc anything you can imagine.

    And no BC is not good game.
    At least not for 35$
    If you want to run all the time and only KILL KILL KILL KILL orcs/elves and do nothing expect that ,you can get that in any flash game for free.

  7. #17
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    you can get that in any flash game for free.
    BC is WAY better than any flash games. LOL

    You know there are mods to Oblivion that add 1000% more and advanced sexual content and it's for free ? And I'm not joking.
    LoversPK plugin add what ever you can think of.
    So did you make loverspk, han?
    Last edited by Korbe78; 01-26-2012 at 01:00 AM.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  8. #18
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    Jan 2012
    Han, those are mods. It still requires you to buy the original game, Oblivion.

    If modders would add more content to Bonecraft it'd also improve things.

  9. #19
    HanPL, that's not an honest comparison. Oblivian has NO sex in it. It does have a TON of fan-made mods out for it. Some of those mods let you have "hot coffee" level sex with low polycount females who are expressionless and poorly textured. That is, unless you go hunt down more mods and install those (she will still be expressionless, but she will have moderate amount of polys so her hands and feet won't look like simple wedges--- and with the right mods, her breasts will actually move). Hell, The Sims is an incredible "adult" game under your terms. As is Laura Croft--- as it too has tons of mods, so you can have a cosplaying Laura dressed as an overly exposed Harlequinn have sex with a Tyrannasourus Rex. But again--- the game isn't SOLD like that. Worst, you have to become very familar with mods for those games, as it isn't a simple "drop file x into directory y" to bring sex into the game.

    And then there's the fact that those animations aren't close to the level of detail that is in BC.

    Once mod tools are released, I suspect we will get a lot of new content--- new areas to explore, new free roaming females to have sex with, new items to collect while free roaming, etc. The missions will probably still be "kill 100 enemies" and "fetch 50 items" and "drop item x at location y", since that's basic to games, but the BC mods will also allow "screw 50 females without getting killed" missions as well for variety.

    Most flash games really, really suck. Which is why people PAY MONEY to buy games that do what the flash games offer--- only with a higher quality of fun. I'd rather play a fun free game like Dwarf Fortress--- which allows for some serious fighting and other sorts of wicked fun (like creating traps that drop magma onto your enemies or anyone that just pisses you off).

    So, BC gets you fighting and fucking for $35, and that price will probably drop at some point in the future. Versus Oblivion, which doesn't offer nor support sex. You should have picked Dragon Age as your example game. It has some sex in it, as designed by the makers. Not interactive sex, but still it is there. Mods let you change a lot of things about it, including the cut scenes shown (letting you see some hardcore cut scenes instead). Or you should have picked The Sims--- it has sex. Its sex is just very poor and highly sensored. Or hey, the original Witcher! Hell, Nomad Soul had a long sex scene near the beginning of the game. That's games with sex included, out of the box. You'll note *none* of them are interactive.

    As I said--- if you want an adventure game, you can find a better adventure games than BC out there, out of the box. But it won't have BC's interactive animated sex. You will be hard pressed to find a game with better sex in the game at its price.

    So again, whine and complain. But BC is a good game, and a lot less hassle compared to the hoops you have to jump through to get something similar (learning Japanese and importing games from Japan, buying Oblivion and then applying between 6 to 40 mods to get a smaller range of animated sexual with lower grade graphic models, etc etc etc). You really cannot find anything that will let run around, fight, and fuck at that price and level of user effort--- other than Bonetown itself. But again, they are different games with different game play styles (Bonetown being GTA-styled with more sex and more humor then GTA, Bonecraft being a W40K and SF spoof Fighting and Fucking game).

    You are just sore cause BC isn't the game you wanted it to be. It's the game it was advertised by Dub to be. Next game from Dub, I'd advise you wait for the "Let's Play" videos to get published. then you can see what it is and not get made that it isn't being the advisor to the fairy princess and using head to head match 3 battles like you wanted it to be.

    Han is REALLY exaggerating about what the Xlovers and the other mods have in them. They aren't close to the level of animations in BC, and they really don't offer what he says. I've checked them out. Anyone can check them out, as plenty of players have posted in-game videos to the Naughty Machina site. The quality of animation and sex isn't up to Bonetown, let alone Bonecraft. Go check it out for yourselves.

    It's a nice bit of modding by the fans--- but it really is at the hot coffee level with just a small bit of texture updates. They had to use spell visual effects just to let you know the people copulating are getting excited or climaxing. People glowing and people wrapped in lighting is a far cry from actual changing expressions on faces, and the model work is very primitive for the actual model on model sex action. Again, not up to BC or any other 3D interactive sex game at this time. And that's because OBLIVION is not a sex game. Hence the hot coffee level of body on body sex. The game engine isn't designed for the level of detail needed for interactive sex, and no amount of fan modding is going to be able to address that.
    Last edited by Starpilot; 01-26-2012 at 04:52 AM.

  10. #20
    @Starpilot: BC is a good tactical game ....HaHAHAHAHA made my day

    ATTACK, DEFEND...what a massive amount of orders I can give.....shocking truth just hit me^^.
    Last edited by KingKali; 01-26-2012 at 11:39 AM.


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