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Thread: Bonecraft review from a german player (wall of text/spoilers included,care)

  1. #21
    Hmmm. I can certainly understand both viewpoints. One group of people is comparing BoneCraft to BoneTown. Never mind any indications that they would be similar, or lack thereof - the fact remains that the two games are priced about the same, and come from the same producer, so you would expect to get the same amount of value. BoneCraft undeniably has less content than BoneTown - though one could argue that the amount of sex content is roughly similar (more general sex positions in BoneCraft vs. unique reward sex positions in BoneTown, most other sex content from BoneTown is available in BoneCraft - though I miss the pygmies...).

    The other group of people considers BoneCraft on its own merits, and from that viewpoint there is no problem - BoneCraft is still quite good value for money, when compared to what sex games typically cost and offer.

    In other words, the biggest problem of BoneCraft is that BoneTown had relatively high production values (for a sex game), and it was a great deal for the price. Now people expect to get a similarly great deal with BoneCraft, and are annoyed when it turns out the deal is only average. I suspect that D-Dub found out that high-production-value sex games aren't profitable; it's a damn shame if that's the case. I hope that they are able to sell incremental updates to the franchise and gradually improve the game experience that way. I think BoneTown would work better for that though.

    Personally, I feel that the biggest problem of BoneCraft is the lack of free-roaming chicks, and a setting which doesn't really relate to normal life (and common fantasies) in any way, hot elf chicks notwithstanding. There was enough variety in chick appearance in BoneTown to make the chicks all seem different, and it was great fun just roaming the town and banging any chick that struck your fancy. Not an uncommon fantasy I think. The obvious improvement would have been to add special locations (hospital, police department, prison cells, fire department, army barracks, castle dungeon, etc.) for various uniform, location, etc. fetishes. Instead they chose to focus on improving the fighting aspect. Admittedly it was the weakest part of BoneTown (with the possible exception of platform jumping), but in dropping the roaming chicks D-Dub threw out the baby with the bathwater. I hope they return to Earth next time, keep the improved fighting, keep the lack of platform jumping (I really hated that...), and concentrate on adding depth to the sex gameplay.

    The other big problem in BoneCraft is that the "do everything three times" logic makes it so obvious that the game has been artificially made longer simply by adding grind. Many games do that, including BoneTown, but usually they at least try to sugar-coat it a bit by calling the things you collect something different each time or some other similar trick. Saying from the start "do the same thing three times" really makes the game feel cheap.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Personally, I feel that the biggest problem of BoneCraft is the lack of free-roaming chicks, and a setting which doesn't really relate to normal life (and common fantasies) in any way, hot elf chicks notwithstanding. There was enough variety in chick appearance in BoneTown to make the chicks all seem different, and it was great fun just roaming the town and banging any chick that struck your fancy. Not an uncommon fantasy I think.
    Well put. I do like BC, but this is what I find lacking, compared to BT.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by KingKali View Post
    @Starpilot: BC is a good tactical game ....HaHAHAHAHA made my day

    ATTACK, DEFEND...what a massive amount of orders I can give.....shocking truth just hit me^^.
    Glad you like it. In regards to the squadies, it is very primitive, which is too bad, as it really would add to the fun of the game if you could give them some extra commands (like, "defend this spot" rather than just "defend me" and "take that objective" rather than "just run around and smash/shoot stuff"). But from the point of you fighting, it offers a fair bit of tactical possibilities, and you can't beat the game with just 1 tactic, although you can beat it with a mix of a few. But then, that's a problem with the far more intricate grogger games so I wouldn't expect BC to even approach that problem.

    Juddre, you have surmised what I've felt for a while. BC on its own merits is a decent game, but if you expected BT 2--- shrug. The mission with the most VARIETY is beating down the gate keepers. As in that one, you just beat down elves, part 2: beat down the big elf and get his magic key, and part 3: beat down the big elf and protect Luds as he runs the magic key around.

    I suspect the reason for the 3 parts in each mission was to give you "save points" in the middle of the more challenging missiosn. Consider: the first time you are doing the collect the triangles (mission 6), when you get to the third part and one-shotted (or just killed in the first minute), you don't have to start all over again. You can just restart at the final bit of the mission, with a fully healthy squad. But that design did make doing the missions not as fun as they could be. It also seems like it was stretched to add more play time to the weakest missions (ie, mission 3).

    While I found the lack of free roaming females irritating initially, I realized they were completely unnecessary in BC's design. You always had sex bot willing and waiting on you at any mission console. Furthermore, you didn't even need sex. In BT, sex is a critical aspect of the game, as it is the way you heal your health and restore your bonus fighting strength (your balls). But in BC, you can do the same thing BY JUST HITTING SOMETHING. Indeed, I used that technique in many missions. Hit opponents, activate heal, repeat. The only reason there are randomly spawning enemies in "free roaming" mode is to let you farm them for money and ammo until you can finally run the missions (which pay off for beign completed). The downside of this change to game play is a shorter game experience. After all, in BT, when you get beat down, you end up roaming around the area, looking for a girl willing to engage with you at your current balls level (or slightly above, if you have enough beer and whiskey). But in BC, you just tell sexbot to bend over, and then you go fill up your fighting and health meters.

    These differences add up to very different games, and very different play experiences.
    Last edited by Starpilot; 01-26-2012 at 04:57 PM.

  4. #24
    Look, it just seems ridiculous for D-Dub to not include some of the most loved parts or ideas behind Bonetown into Bonecraft. I'm not saying they can't have a new setting, or the new mission system, or the sex store, or w/e. But when a NEW small company, makes ONE hit product that so many people love...its dumb for them to not at least build on some of the ideas and inventions that made their first and only other game thus far great. it's like a new metal band releasing an album that goes platinum and then deciding to go alternative rock for their second album....WHY?!

    That and I still think BC is super small.

  5. #25
    BT is for roaming/exploring with special rewards, BC is WoW kiddos and fapping (if any one would do that.......). 30 Euro kicked out of the window.For 25 Euro I get a BJ and I mean a real one.....

    BTW: any one realised that the Fantasy room is the same like in BT???so no similarities here hahahaha. Good BC has nothing to do with BT^^....only has comparable lasy can a developer be.#

    Just red the credits: around 10 people worked at that game?than i know why it just has the seize of a mod......
    Last edited by KingKali; 01-26-2012 at 05:40 PM.

  6. #26
    Yeah, I noticed the similar layout for the fantasy room. But it is quite different in several areas. For instance, you won't die if you fall in the water. The water includes ways to get back up to the ground level. Also, the grotto was added. The upstairs itself is laid out different with the little hutches and some changes, but the overall architecture is very similar.

  7. #27
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    The fantasy room is too fucking dark! I gotta CRANK my brightness & contrast just to find the doors. Errg.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  8. #28
    speakign about bugs: I still died like a retard in water......there is not much water in the game,but i went of the beach and clipped several times into the water and simply drowned because I coulnd't move......

    What about the missions:

    its roughly 10 missions split up in 3 = so 30 mini missions. Why is there no possibility to fly to some other planets or space stations to get laid or have some wrangle action? More skins, design for my Hero. More guns and troop commands like: stay here and defend. That would make some missions like defend the altars so much easier....there is tons of potential. Hope DDub will add it by adding content or allow mods.

  9. #29
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
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    They just said the mod kit is on the way!
    Last edited by Korbe78; 01-27-2012 at 05:11 PM.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  10. #30
    good news....then we can make a game that we want and not what they modded in 2-3 hours......


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