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Been playing all night, and even though it's only on medium I had a HELL of a time with those fucking elves. YOU know the ones I'm talking about. Anyone else find themselves after fighting the dark elves trying to destroy the altars thinking "gee, it can't get any harder than this" realize that really wasn't that bad after they end up fighting the fucking regular elves and Wink (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!) OVER, and OVER, and OVER again???? Or am I just too tired and playing worse as the game progresses? I actually got one shotted one of the times I restarted that mission (mission 6 I think). Started up, and then a minute into it, no damage, 4 or five elves finish a combo on me simultaneously and i instantly died. My reaction was a VERY loud "Are you fucking kidding me??!?!?!?!" Anyways, despite what some of the other people have said/commented during beta, their fears, etc, I'm enjoying the hell out of the game so far, and I hope D-Dub puts out an xpac or starts working on some more shit.
All I have to say is those fucking elves. jesus fucking christ.