Well just finished the game and have to say if full version will look like this which most probably will since
(And those special content are repainted sex bot and fist with better stats so)The Beta does not include any of the special content for the Pre-Sales or DVD as that will be available on the day of release.
I must say I'm kinda dissapointed with Bonecraft.
It's step back comparing to BoneTown.
I don't know if BoneCraft can be called seperate game since it's copy & paste from BoneTown.
Litteraly, all "human " males are hunks from BoneTown, Elven chicks are just slightly retextured white girls from BoneTown same with Orcs and SexBot.
Very very poor
All you do you can do if fight nothing else, another major step back comparing to BoneTown.
If you enjoyed exploring new locations for hidden bosses & secrets, collectables, making your balls bigger, banging chicks and doing funny missions you can forget about that in BoneCraft.
Since like I said earlier all you can do Is FIGHT.
All good content from BoneTown was thrown away and replaced with infinite spawns of Orcs/elvs you have to fight.
Mission are boring and all the same.
Go there destroy this fight with orcs, bone chick and that's it.
For example :
Stage 1 "Kill 10 orcs"
Stage 2 "Kill 20 orcs "
Stare 3 "Kill 30 orcs "
And now Imagine doing that for few missions straight.
I think all 4 locations are smaller than one city in BoneTown.
Also they are EMPTY no pedestrians or chicks to bang, secrets to find and collect NOTHING,all you can do is Fight.
No music at all during freeroam, don't even remember if there is any music during missions also.
Overall they look great but again they are COPY&PASTE from BoneTown and some of new look like unfinished (eg Face Rider )
Only thing that looks weird is cumshot animations (kinda to short so it looks like animations where cut/missing frames )
Also lack of creampies is kinda annoying
Fantasy Room.
Very empty comparing to BoneTown yet the most interesting and well designed place in BoneCraft
The Elf & Elf | Elf & Elf & Player animations look just great
Very well done especially Captain and Lubbeck
So overall my score would be 6/10 at this point.
If Full version will contain more stuff then for sure score gonna be higher.
But For now BoneCraft is not not worth buying for 35$
BoneTown is much more better alterative.
Don't get me wrong it's good game but kinda unpolished by now.