The combat is getting to be an annoying grind at times, especially getting noticeable in chapter 6, just on normal difficulty.
I'm getting tired of infinite respawn enemies, tired of group combat, tired of allies who can't or won't guard my back, as I constantly get attacked from all directions. There isn't a moment's respite to be had, especially with archers and melee combining to interrupt me every time I try to do anything. My health drops fast sometimes under these conditions, and I have trouble interacting with sexbot to get any boost for healing, with all the interrupts.
Combat is better than Bonetown in some ways, but you had more spammable special attacks in Bonetown, and didn't have to worry about as many foes or dealing with incompetent allies as much. You could combat cheapness with cheapness a little more readily.
I'm not the best gamer, but I am very, very experienced, in a number of different genres, and I'm finding myself frustrated enough to ragequit multiple times, from a game that should be a light and entertaining distraction from the frustrations of real life.
It's a little much. I've died/retried about 6 times so far, still at it, on this chapter alone. I know that since this is the internet, a bunch of other people will chime in to say things like: "This is actually too easy, even on hard difficulty, you must suck, etc."
Regardless, if it's pissing me off, it'll be even worse for a lot of the other people who try to play it on release. I'm pretty patient, and it's hard to get me to that point. With others, they'll put it down and never pick it up again.
To compound the issue, if normal is getting this rough, and we now have to complete certain missions on hard to unlock more chicks, etc., that's going to be a problem as well. I'd also rather not play on easy; normal should be fine for me. I'm saying that, currently, it isn't.
I don't care how easy other people say it is; I'm just saying how it is for me. I really want to like this game, and I really don't want to regret my preorder. I rarely preorder games at all, I usually wait for a sale, don't have a large game budget these days. It's a leap of faith, and I am starting to regret it, but hopefully things will level off, and get a bit smoother.
My real life is pretty frustrating these days, I'd like to be less frustrated after a gaming session, not more so. Thanks for listening, and sorry for ranting a bit, just in a bad mood at the moment.