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Thread: Exiting mission console to free roaming before completing Chapter 10 warps player

  1. #1

    Exiting mission console to free roaming before completing Chapter 10 warps player

    Before starting "Chapter 10 - The Orgy" for the first time, if the player chooses to close the console window to enter free roaming mode, they are spawned back to area near the orc encampment.


    BoneCraft - Skipping Chapter 10.JPG

    Expected Result:

    Player remains inside of the Elf Brothel when selecting to go into free roaming mode.


    If the player completes "Chapter 10 - The Orgy", then returns to the mission console at a later time to quit to the free roaming mode, player is spawned correctly inside of the Elf Brothel.

    Game Version:


  2. #2
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    We can't seem to repeat this. We beat the Headmaster for the first time, go into the Scene with the Queen and her flowers, then run directly up to where Chapter 10 is started, go into the Store and then exit it with the exit button.
    When doing this we are brought to the correct place in the Brothel.

    We are trying to think what else could be going on here. Is there anything else that might have been going on when this happened?

  3. #3
    I don't believe I did anything out of the ordinary when reproducing this bug, but I'll give it a go on a new save since I've already unlocked all the chapter/mission consoles on my current one.

    Hopefully, I can get back with an update relatively soon on this, but I'm still recovering from New Years. I find myself already not living up to some of my resolutions .


    Hmm, it's a little strange (good though), but I can't seem to reproduce this as well. Now that I think about it, this might've been an issue I encountered with version 1.0.0 of the game and not version 1.0.2. I've been noting issues on a notepad as I play and I think I got mixed up between what I found on version 1.0.0 and what I've been trying to look for on version 1.0.2.

    I'll keep seeing if I can get this to occur again, but I think it was just a false-alarm from version 1.0.0. Apologies for the possible screw-up on this one.
    Last edited by TheMadCow; 01-02-2012 at 03:59 PM.


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