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Thread: Version 1.0.2 Patch Available

  1. #1
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Version 1.0.2 Patch Available

    The Patch to update 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 is up at the below address.

    A couple of things to note.

    1. Most, but not all of the bugs you guys have found have been addressed.

    2. The regular girls you have unlocked in the sex store by completing the game will be missing. This is because the regular girls are now unlocked when you beat certain missions on hard. If the loss of your regular girls is too much for you, open the console with Shift + ~ and type in unlockChicks(gamechar) to get them back.

    3. If playing with a controller. To get the fixes for the controller you will need to delete your prefs.cs files. To do this press Windows Key + R, then type in %appdata%, press enter. Go to the BoneCraft/game/ folder and in both the server and client folder delete both prefs.cs and prefs.cs.dso.

    Here is the link for the patch:

    If you have emailed and not received an email about beta yet, you should be getting one shortly. We wanted to get the new version out before we had more people playing it.

    Post to this thread about any difficulties installing the Patch. All other issues keep in the appropriate places in the other Beta Threads.
    Last edited by D-Dub; 12-30-2011 at 03:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Wow. That's the fastest set of bug fixes that I've ever seen from a game studio.

  3. #3
    Time for a new save.

  4. #4
    Thank you d-dub!

  5. #5
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    I deleted the prefer.cs files in both client & server files but found NO prefer.cs.dos. Did I miss something.
    My controller is working except left direction on d-pad to change positions, that doesn't do anything now,
    so I wasn't sure if I missed something.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  6. #6
    Yeah, I didn't find a .dso file either, though I did find the others.


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