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Thread: Elven Dagger icon image is different from the actual in-game model for the weapon

  1. #1

    Elven Dagger icon image is different from the actual in-game model for the weapon

    Location: Any chapter or area of the game where the player can fight the Elves.

    Description: One of the elven daggers that the player can pick up, by beating down a random elf, and use has a different icon image than what it actually looks like in-game. See included screenshot for example.


    BoneCraft - Elven Dagger Mismatch.JPG

    Expected Result:

    The weapon icon's image matches the in-game weapon model.

  2. #2
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Can't beleive we didn't catch that one, thanks.


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