Hi, I know that right now you guys are focusing mostly of quick bug fixes, but I wanted to leave some general feedback, after playing through the first 5 or 6 chapters of the game.
I should note that my grading is not comparing BoneCraft to any other game, especially those done by big studios. That would be unfair. Rather, I'm judging this game as it compares to BoneTown, measuring the areas of improvement and critiquing things that could be improved on (probably in a third game). So, here goes. I'll start with the good and move to the bad and the ugly.
Cutscenes: A
Voice Acting: A
Humor: A
Story: A
Characters: A
Style: A
This bundle is your studio's greatest strength. Many players will forgive other stuff, when the game is funny as shit, offensive, and downright stupid in a very good way. These were strengths of BoneTown, and you improved and added to them with BoneCraft.
Art, Graphics, and Scenery: A-
Some really awesome work that shows that your engine is capable of much more than was done with BoneTown. Honestly, there were parts of BoneTown where I thought to myself: "Are they using the quake 3 engine? All these textured boxes!" The sets and details of BC are really nice, compared to BoneTown. It's just sad that your improvements in this area seems to have a negative effect on gameplay smoothness for folks with average comps.
Menus: B
The scorecards, stores, menus, etc. are a really nice touch, and they add complexity to the game. Some aspects are less intuitive than others, but it really is a nice improvement. I also really like that it's one world, where there aren't loading screens between each chapter.
Sex and Boning: B-
This was a hard thing to rate, because you guys have made so many additions, like girl on girl, new sex acts, new options, the first person view, etc., etc. Some of these additions are wonderful, and the sex acts look better than any other comparable adult video game (and I've played all the US releases).
However, the boning is no longer really an aspect of gameplay. Actually, it's the frustrating kind of boning, like go here, do her, go there, do her. This is a stark contrast to boning as a reward for completing a mission, as with BoneTown. For me, the most charming and fun part of playing BoneTown was being a man whore, working on the size of your junk, and gradually moving from fat chicks to hot girls. Boning the hot girl was the ultimate goal, and it kept me entertained enough that I was willing to do the missions, despite the frustration of BoneTown's melee combat.
Boning was a fun and relaxing reward for kicking ass and taking names in BT. In BC, it is a frustrating chore (so far).
So, this is unfortunate. It's like you focused on what really needed to be improved, but excluded what was already a really fun gaming mechanic that made boning a game itself. There was also a huge diversity of women to bone, which seems to be missing from BoneCraft. I think I'm halfway through the game, and I've boned my sex bot and the ugly green fatties. I'm pretty sure that I boned more women in the first ten minutes of BoneTown.
Combat and Gameplay: C-
This is another one that is hard to rate. The character movements are really improved. The long range weapons are a really nice touch. It's also really nice not to have to scroll through power attacks as much. I never got used to that aspect of BoneTown. Additionally, it's great that I don't constantly drop my weapon.
But, and its a very big but, the camera perspective, combined with the constant clipping, plus the fact that my character lunges forward when attacking makes for a frustrating mess. It's easier when I make the camera look first person, but then the melee attacks are hard to judge. I can't tell you how many times I got disoriented, lost in a corner after lunging at an enemy, or downright confused, just mashing buttons when I didn't know where the enemy or myself went to.
It's like the fighting style is made for open terrain with lots of space, but the fighting takes place in caves or cramped sets. Maybe I'll get used to it more as I play, but for the most part, its a constant battle with the camera and trying not to get stuck in corners or have plants, walls, the backs of textures, etc. covering my screen.
RPG aspects: D-
Since this was a "craft" game, I really expected some level of character building, weapons upgrades that involved more than a store, and a sense of growing more and more powerful, especially through some level of grinding. BoneTown had some of that with searching for drugs, growing the size of your balls, randomly butt-fucking hoochies for health, etc. I don't see much of any of that in BoneCraft. If anything, BoneTown had more RPG aspects than BoneCraft does.
Music: D-
The music of BT was great. I barely notice it in BC. When I do notice it, it's kind of bad.
Game length: To be determined, but I read in another thread that there are 11 levels. I've completed the first 5 after like 2 and half hours, some of which I just spent randomly exploring the sets. If I only have another 3 or 4 hours of gameplay, then I'd grade it an F.
Those are my thoughts. I hope that they are helpful and constructive. I want to do all I can to support your studio. I love adult video games, and you're the best studio out there.
But, if I could buy you out after winning the lottery, I'd probably say that you're going in the wrong direction by focusing on combat. There is a very big opportunity to make sex, multiplayer socializing, and fantasy worlds the focus of a adult MMO. The company that can make an adult video game as addictive and time consuming as WOW will make billions. A single player game with a shelf-life of a week will not.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.