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Thread: D-dub dead? Is there any new game being worked on?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    D-dub dead? Is there any new game being worked on?

    Hi guys from d-dub. Are you working on any new game at this point? I have the feeling that bonecraft was a dissapointment for many customers and there seem to be no enthousiasts for the mod kit . So are you guys starting on a new game?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Ok, I guess they are dead . Man, that sucks. I liked their games.

  3. #3
    Colonel Korbe78's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New England,U.S.A.
    Right now it's contest time. They just added the Amadallaho run last month & the contest is running till Aug.
    Try beating the fastest time so far. I don't think you realize how long it takes a small independant group to create content. You better learn some patience.
    I love redheads & killing zombies!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I am as patient as can be. I always have been. Being a small time content group does not prohibit you from communicating though. It's something they just don't do. For all I know, they could have just stopped working on a new title. Or just announce: hey guys, we are working on something new. And then I'm waiting. Patiently.

  5. #5
    Administrator D-Dub's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Hello BoneTown and BoneCraft fans! We are a small company and are currently working on quite a few new projects, apologies for leaving everyone in the dark for so long, we have been grinding away making more games for you to enjoy. Right now we cannot say what we are working on but what we can say is that we read every post on the forums and your feedback helps immensely, we really appreciate the support from our fans as well as from the haters. We have been exploring lots of new ideas as well as speaking about BoneTown and BoneCraft, for the immediate future we are working on new titles as well as brainstorming what direction to take with BT and BC. Thank you again for your patience and support and as soon as we are ready to announce our new games - you will know first.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Dub View Post
    Hello BoneTown and BoneCraft fans! We are a small company and are currently working on quite a few new projects, apologies for leaving everyone in the dark for so long, we have been grinding away making more games for you to enjoy. Right now we cannot say what we are working on but what we can say is that we read every post on the forums and your feedback helps immensely, we really appreciate the support from our fans as well as from the haters. We have been exploring lots of new ideas as well as speaking about BoneTown and BoneCraft, for the immediate future we are working on new titles as well as brainstorming what direction to take with BT and BC. Thank you again for your patience and support and as soon as we are ready to announce our new games - you will know first.
    Good to hear! I'll be posting soon with a "fake" expansion for Bonetown that has my ideas of what would be neat in a large expansion.

    But off the top of my head, I think the biggest thing to remember is you have a hit with the Bonetown/Bonecraft engine. *However*, I think you went the wrong direction with Bonecraft. It seems to me the feedback from Bonetown was mostly that they loved the sex and free roaming, and didn't really like the combat. Yet Bonecraft went more combat, no free-roaming, and less sex... which is the complete opposite of the feedback! I would say whatever you're working on, if it uses the same engine/idea as BT and BC then you need to cut way back on combat (for certain missions it's fine, but don't make it a combat game) and add a LOT more sex and exploration/free-roaming.

  7. #7
    I thought you were one of the guys wanting more sex in the game? Guess I'm confusing you with some other posters. I don't want the fighting completely cut out, but I don't want another combat game either. Some fighting is good, but I prefer how combat was mixed into the Bonetown story, rather than the combat missions of BC. To me, BT was a sex/exploration game with some combat. BC is a combat game with some sex. I prefer the BT model.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Porncraft View Post
    i guess a 1 on 1 fighting game like MK would not be good for darius lol

    choice 3 and 8,would probably be great for darius

    kind of dought they are working on anything right now,anyway they do getto have alot of good ideas from some of us if finally they decide to do a bt2 or some big expansion
    3 & 8 are more my style, but I'm not sure if it's up D-Dub's alley. So I chose #2.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Porncraft View Post
    for the sex,its ok,but they could had some more positions and 3 somes and other stuff they added in bc and not in bt
    Agreed. The sex options were much better in BC and it would be nice if they could add that to BT.

  10. #10
    I think we can assume they will not put out another small expansion for BT and make it free. They'd make no money. But as I've stated before, I'd pay up to $20 for a big expansion, or more if they completely revamped BT with BC sex options, and more content/missions/areas.


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