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Thread: My Stuff cheats

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  1. #1

    My Stuff cheats

    I'm attaching the mystuff cheats here again as I think they have disappeared from the old thread. As requested by Jeeper200368


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    cant download it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    i dont get the mystuff.cs file,i get some file called,attachment.php,add downloadable links here insted like mediafire,thats works great and fast

  4. #4
    What folder in the game do you install these files? Any help?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jhb1 View Post
    What folder in the game do you install these files? Any help?
    I sent you the info. all in mod. first you need to have view extensions enabled. the myStuff.cs goes in C:\Program Files (x86)\BoneTown\common than you edited main.cs :____________>

    this is what you do ddl myStuff.cs rename attachment.php to myStuff.cs... place myStuff.cs in C:\Program Files (x86)\BoneTown\common... now go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BoneTown look for (main.cs) open with note pad and replace the whole script with the one @ bottom. (that is for BoneTown v1.1.1.0..)

    or main.cs rename attachment.php to main.cs attachment @ bottom_______________>

    // Torque Shader Engine
    // Copyright (C), Inc.
    $defaultGame = "game";
    $displayHelp = false;

    // Support functions used to manage the mod string
    function pushFront(%list, %token, %delim)
    if (%list !$= "")
    return %token @ %delim @ %list;
    return %token;

    function pushBack(%list, %token, %delim)
    if (%list !$= "")
    return %list @ %delim @ %token;
    return %token;

    function popFront(%list, %delim)
    return nextToken(%list, unused, %delim);

    // Executes startup scripts for each mod, starting at base and working up
    function loadDir(%dir)
    setModPaths(pushback($userMods, %dir, ";"));
    exec(%dir @ "/main.cs");

    // Process command line arguments
    $gLoadCreator = !$Torque::isDemo && !$Torque::isShipping;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $Game::argc ; $i++)
    $arg = $Game::argv[$i];
    $nextArg = $Game::argv[$i+1];
    $hasNextArg = $Game::argc - $i > 1;
    $logModeSpecified = false;

    switch$ ($arg)
    case "-log":
    if ($hasNextArg)
    // Turn on console logging
    if ($nextArg != 0)
    // Dump existing console to logfile first.
    $nextArg += 4;
    $logModeSpecified = true;
    error("Error: Missing Command Line argument. Usage: -log <Mode: 0,1,2>");

    case "-console":

    if($userMods $= "")
    $userMods = $arg;

    if( $modcount == 0 )
    $userMods = $defaultGame;
    $modcount = 1;

    // DO NOT Run the Torque Creator mod if a dedicated server.
    // Note: this fails if -dedicated not first parameter.
    if($gLoadCreator && ($platform !$= "xenon" || $platform !$= "xbox"))
    $userMods = "creator;" @ $userMods;

    // The displayHelp, onStart, onExit and parseArgs function are overriden
    // by mod packages to get hooked into initialization and cleanup.
    function onStart()
    // Default startup function

    function onExit()
    // OnExit is called directly from C++ code, whereas onStart is
    // invoked at the end of this file.

    function parseArgs()
    // Here for mod override, the arguments have already
    // been parsed.

    package Help {
    function onExit() {
    // Override onExit when displaying help

    // Activates the help package (which overrides onExit)
    function displayHelp() {

    // Notes on logmode: console logging is written to console.log.
    // -log 0 disables console logging.
    // -log 1 appends to existing logfile; it also closes the file
    // (flushing the write buffer) after every write.
    // -log 2 overwrites any existing logfile; it also only closes
    // the logfile when the application shuts down. (default)

    "BoneTown command line options:\n"@
    " -log <logmode> Logging behavior; see main.cs comments for details\n"@
    " -console Open a separate console\n"@
    " -help Display this help message\n"

    // Default to a new logfile each session.
    if( !$logModeSpecified )
    if( $platform !$= "xbox" && $platform !$= "xenon" )

    // Set the mod path which dictates which directories will be visible
    // to the scripts and the resource engine.

    echo("\n--------- Loading MODS ---------");
    function loadMods(%modPath)
    %modPath = nextToken(%modPath, token, ";");
    if (%modPath !$= "")

    if(exec(%token @ "/main.cs") != true)
    error("Error: Unable to find specified mod: " @ %token );
    // Load up common script base


    if ($modcount == 0)
    error("Error: Unable to load any specified mods");
    // Begin modification
    // End modification

    // Parse the command line arguments
    echo("--------- Parsing Arguments ---------");

    // Parse the command line arguments
    echo("--------- Parsing Arguments ---------");

    // Either display the help message or startup the app.
    if ($displayHelp)
    echo("\nEngine initialized...\n");

    // Display an error message for unused arguments
    for ($i = 1; $i < $Game::argc; $i++) {
    if (!$argUsed[$i])
    error("Error: Unknown command line argument: " @ $Game::argv[$i]);

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______
    this below does not go in main.cs script:

    Key - Action

    ⦁ u - Undress closest girl
    (hit, remove clothes, flee mode)
    ⦁ shift-u - Undress all girls
    ⦁ n - Make closest girl nude
    ⦁ shift-n Make all girls nude
    ⦁ c - Make closest girl clothed
    (only works on girls you have made nude)
    ⦁ shift-c - Make all girls clothed

    ⦁ k - Kill closest guy
    ⦁ shift-k - Kill all guys

    ⦁ 0 - Put closest girl in standing mode
    ⦁ shift-0 - Put all girls in standing mode
    ⦁ 1 - Put closest girl in walking mode
    ⦁ shift-1 - Put all girls in walking mode
    ⦁ 2 - Put closest girl in follow mode
    ⦁ shift-2 - Put all girls in follow mode
    ⦁ 3 - Put closest girl in dance mode
    ⦁ shift-3 - Put all girls in dance mode
    ⦁ 4 - Put closest girl in flee mode
    ⦁ shift-4 - Put all girls in flee mode
    ⦁ 5 - Put closest girl in fight mode
    ⦁ shift-5 - Put all girls in fight mode

    ⦁ l - Levitate
    (repeated presses increase height)
    ⦁ shift-l - Stop levitating
    ⦁ h - Levitate higher
    ⦁ shift-h - Levitate much higher
    ⦁ j - Levitate lower
    ⦁ shift-j - Levitate much lower

    ⦁ t - Teleport higher
    ⦁ shift-t - Teleport much higher

    we all owe juddre a big thx for the script he was one of the first moders of BoneTown..
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by FastLane; 07-11-2015 at 09:59 PM. Reason: main.cs i fingred out what he did

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    beside those is it posible to add new ones ?

  7. #7
    forgot do not use juddre script with the HongFire BoneTown mod there is action key number conflict.

  8. #8
    yes it is possible if you know how to write torque script.. the sad thing is most do not.

  9. #9
    Hello FastLane. I am having problems to get this to work? First of all I see no "attachment.php" ? These are the ones I got under common= "defaults.cs.dso" and "main.cs.dso".
    Also I have notice more save slots but yet to figure out how to use different slots.
    I really appreciate any help
    Thank you

    Edit: Never mind I figured it out :-) and a big thanx to juddre
    I still would like help on the save slots though
    Happy New Years all
    Last edited by Roy; 01-01-2016 at 01:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    cant anyone revamp bonetown,adding new stuff,new weapons,new players,being able to do more things


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