I'm attaching the mystuff cheats here again as I think they have disappeared from the old thread. As requested by Jeeper200368
I'm attaching the mystuff cheats here again as I think they have disappeared from the old thread. As requested by Jeeper200368
cant download it![]()
i dont get the mystuff.cs file,i get some file called,attachment.php,add downloadable links here insted like mediafire,thats works great and fast
What folder in the game do you install these files? Any help?
I sent you the info. all in mod. first you need to have view extensions enabled. the myStuff.cs goes in C:\Program Files (x86)\BoneTown\common than you edited main.cs :____________>
this is what you do ddl myStuff.cs rename attachment.php to myStuff.cs... place myStuff.cs in C:\Program Files (x86)\BoneTown\common... now go to C:\Program Files (x86)\BoneTown look for (main.cs) open with note pad and replace the whole script with the one @ bottom. (that is for BoneTown v1.1.1.0..)
or main.cs rename attachment.php to main.cs attachment @ bottom_______________>
// Torque Shader Engine
// Copyright (C) GarageGames.com, Inc.
$defaultGame = "game";
$displayHelp = false;
// Support functions used to manage the mod string
function pushFront(%list, %token, %delim)
if (%list !$= "")
return %token @ %delim @ %list;
return %token;
function pushBack(%list, %token, %delim)
if (%list !$= "")
return %list @ %delim @ %token;
return %token;
function popFront(%list, %delim)
return nextToken(%list, unused, %delim);
// Executes startup scripts for each mod, starting at base and working up
function loadDir(%dir)
setModPaths(pushback($userMods, %dir, ";"));
exec(%dir @ "/main.cs");
// Process command line arguments
$gLoadCreator = !$Torque::isDemo && !$Torque::isShipping;
for ($i = 1; $i < $Game::argc ; $i++)
$arg = $Game::argv[$i];
$nextArg = $Game::argv[$i+1];
$hasNextArg = $Game::argc - $i > 1;
$logModeSpecified = false;
switch$ ($arg)
case "-log":
if ($hasNextArg)
// Turn on console logging
if ($nextArg != 0)
// Dump existing console to logfile first.
$nextArg += 4;
$logModeSpecified = true;
error("Error: Missing Command Line argument. Usage: -log <Mode: 0,1,2>");
case "-console":
if($userMods $= "")
$userMods = $arg;
if( $modcount == 0 )
$userMods = $defaultGame;
$modcount = 1;
// DO NOT Run the Torque Creator mod if a dedicated server.
// Note: this fails if -dedicated not first parameter.
if($gLoadCreator && ($platform !$= "xenon" || $platform !$= "xbox"))
$userMods = "creator;" @ $userMods;
// The displayHelp, onStart, onExit and parseArgs function are overriden
// by mod packages to get hooked into initialization and cleanup.
function onStart()
// Default startup function
function onExit()
// OnExit is called directly from C++ code, whereas onStart is
// invoked at the end of this file.
function parseArgs()
// Here for mod override, the arguments have already
// been parsed.
package Help {
function onExit() {
// Override onExit when displaying help
// Activates the help package (which overrides onExit)
function displayHelp() {
// Notes on logmode: console logging is written to console.log.
// -log 0 disables console logging.
// -log 1 appends to existing logfile; it also closes the file
// (flushing the write buffer) after every write.
// -log 2 overwrites any existing logfile; it also only closes
// the logfile when the application shuts down. (default)
"BoneTown command line options:\n"@
" -log <logmode> Logging behavior; see main.cs comments for details\n"@
" -console Open a separate console\n"@
" -help Display this help message\n"
// Default to a new logfile each session.
if( !$logModeSpecified )
if( $platform !$= "xbox" && $platform !$= "xenon" )
// Set the mod path which dictates which directories will be visible
// to the scripts and the resource engine.
echo("\n--------- Loading MODS ---------");
function loadMods(%modPath)
%modPath = nextToken(%modPath, token, ";");
if (%modPath !$= "")
if(exec(%token @ "/main.cs") != true)
error("Error: Unable to find specified mod: " @ %token );
// Load up common script base
if ($modcount == 0)
error("Error: Unable to load any specified mods");
// Begin modification
// End modification
// Parse the command line arguments
echo("--------- Parsing Arguments ---------");
// Parse the command line arguments
echo("--------- Parsing Arguments ---------");
// Either display the help message or startup the app.
if ($displayHelp)
echo("\nEngine initialized...\n");
// Display an error message for unused arguments
for ($i = 1; $i < $Game::argc; $i++) {
if (!$argUsed[$i])
error("Error: Unknown command line argument: " @ $Game::argv[$i]);
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______
this below does not go in main.cs script:
Key - Action
⦁ u - Undress closest girl
(hit, remove clothes, flee mode)
⦁ shift-u - Undress all girls
⦁ n - Make closest girl nude
⦁ shift-n Make all girls nude
⦁ c - Make closest girl clothed
(only works on girls you have made nude)
⦁ shift-c - Make all girls clothed
⦁ k - Kill closest guy
⦁ shift-k - Kill all guys
⦁ 0 - Put closest girl in standing mode
⦁ shift-0 - Put all girls in standing mode
⦁ 1 - Put closest girl in walking mode
⦁ shift-1 - Put all girls in walking mode
⦁ 2 - Put closest girl in follow mode
⦁ shift-2 - Put all girls in follow mode
⦁ 3 - Put closest girl in dance mode
⦁ shift-3 - Put all girls in dance mode
⦁ 4 - Put closest girl in flee mode
⦁ shift-4 - Put all girls in flee mode
⦁ 5 - Put closest girl in fight mode
⦁ shift-5 - Put all girls in fight mode
⦁ l - Levitate
(repeated presses increase height)
⦁ shift-l - Stop levitating
⦁ h - Levitate higher
⦁ shift-h - Levitate much higher
⦁ j - Levitate lower
⦁ shift-j - Levitate much lower
⦁ t - Teleport higher
⦁ shift-t - Teleport much higher
we all owe juddre a big thx for the script he was one of the first moders of BoneTown..
Last edited by FastLane; 07-11-2015 at 09:59 PM. Reason: main.cs i fingred out what he did
beside those is it posible to add new ones ?
forgot do not use juddre script with the HongFire BoneTown mod there is action key number conflict.
yes it is possible if you know how to write torque script.. the sad thing is most do not.
Hello FastLane. I am having problems to get this to work? First of all I see no "attachment.php" ? These are the ones I got under common= "defaults.cs.dso" and "main.cs.dso".
Also I have notice more save slots but yet to figure out how to use different slots.
I really appreciate any help
Thank you
Edit: Never mind I figured it out :-) and a big thanx to juddre
I still would like help on the save slots though
Happy New Years all
Last edited by Roy; 01-01-2016 at 01:05 PM.
cant anyone revamp bonetown,adding new stuff,new weapons,new players,being able to do more things