part of the problem was look at BoneTown than look at BoneCraft... BoneTown had the biggest budget of this niche type game.. voice actors and upcoming music musicians took the largest part... smart move to use ogg open source= one time payment.. if they make BoneTown II would you be happy with same audio resources.. that is where BoneCraft shined all the voice audio from BoneTown minus special voice was ported over saving D-dub time and money... one mail voice actor did most of the mail voices in BoneCraft. D-dub hence to make profitable BoneTown II would need to do better pr still.. lets look a tomb raider as example 10 million copies sold in 1998 under the penitence of having sex scenes false pretense.. I do not know how many copies of BoneTown or BoneCraft were sold, but we can assume combined sales are around Members 11,815> not close to 1 million. Just saying they need a better pr strategy in league with crowdfunding....