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Thread: Getting Started

  1. #1
    Super Moderator BoneCrafter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Getting Started

    The World Editor and Mission Files

    Run BoneCrafter and select CUSTOM from the main menu. Enter a new save game name and then load the mission file tutorial.mis

    Press F11 to open the World Editor.

    Mission files are in the folder game/data/missions. Mission files are considered assets. They are text files that list all of the things a loaded mission has in it. We use the term "mission" to mean one "level" or "world". In order to switch between missions a loading screen is used. This is because all of the things that the mission needs are loading into memory. So, when you are using the World Editor and you save your mission, you will be saving the *.mis file in the folder game/data/missions.

    When in the World Editor, the Tree View is in the right portion of the World Editor Window. It is made up of Folders (or Sim Groups) and objects. Objects consists of everything in the world including statics, interiors, audio emitters, characters, objectives, AI path nodes, etc. Folders are used to sort and categorize all this content.

    The base folder structure is broken into two groups, Mission Clean Up and Mission Group. Mission Group is full of the objects defined in the *.mis file. Mission Cleanup is where dynamically created objects go, such as characters and objects created with script.

    Camera Control and Hot Keys

    With the World Editor open, the W,A,S & D keys will move the camera forward, left, back and right respectively. Space Bar moves the camera up.

    Click and hold down the right mouse button to orient the camera.

    Left click on objects within the world or tree view on the right to select them.

    SHIFT + Left click select multiple objects

    Ctrl + F1 toggle the World Editor window on the right

    Alt + W drop the main character at the camera

    Ctrl + C copy selected objects or materials

    Ctrl + V paste copied objects or materials

    Ctrl + , set new or pasted objects to be placed at the camera.

    Ctrl + . set new or pasted objects to be placed on top of the selected object.

    Ctrl + L lock selected objects or folders (so they can't be selected)

    Alt + L unlock objects or folders selected in the tree view

    Ctrl + H hide objects

    Alt + H unhide objects

    Alt + Left Click (in the Tree view) Define what folder new objects will be placed in. A red arrow on the folder indicates this Folder

    You can select a list of objects by selecting one object at the top of the list in the tree view and then Shift + Left Click the object at the bottom of the list.

    Selected objects or multiple selected objects can be Left Clicked and dragged into new folders in the Tree View.

    Inspectors, Creators and Editors

    F1 - Lighting Inspector

    F2 - Lighting Creator

    F3 - Static Inspector

    F4 - Static Creator

    F5 - AI Node Inspector

    F6 - AI Node Creator

    F7 - Audio Inspector

    F8 - Audio Creator

    F9 - Terrain Editor

    F10 - Toggle Gui Editor

    F11 - Toggle World Editor

    The Script

    Cs files are the code files that get compiled into dso files so the game can use them. When a cs file tries to load, it will check to see if the dso file is current with the cs file. If the dso file is not there, or the dso file is not up to date, a new dso file gets created.

    Open the file game/modkit/init.cs with your code editor (we recomend Microsoft Visual Studio Express, it is free).

    This file should be used to load your mod. You can create a unique folder next to tutorial and add your init file to this list.

    Run the game, open the console, and look for "Starting Mod Kit".

    If you change or make new cs files make sure that they get compiled here. Be aware that if the cs file does not compile the game will try to use the old dso file.

    You can also load cs files with the console. For example:
    Please note that if you plan for your mod to work in conjunction with other mods you are highly discouraged from adding or changing any cs files outside of game/modkit/YOUR_MOD/. You should be able to define or redifine functions, datablocks, etc. from within your unique folder structure.

    Objective Tutorial 01

    Objective Tutorial 02

    Objective Tutorial 03

    Objective Tutorial 04


    You have at your disposal all of the character accessory files (*.dtm) from BoneTown and BoneCraft. You also have the character files (*.dwc) that include all of the character animations from BoneCraft. This means that you can create any combination of characters from either BoneCraft or BoneTown, re-skin them however you wish, and use any animations from BoneCraft. Creating new animations and creating new character meshes requires our original character art files and needs to be defined in our compiled engine code. We cannot give these out as they are proprietary and would also violate our License Agreement with Garage Games. Creating new character meshes or animations is not supported at this time.

    Character Generator

    Creating Assets

    Creating Textures and Materials

    Creating Statics

    Creating Interiors/Exteriors
    Last edited by BoneCraft; 04-20-2012 at 04:01 PM.


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