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Type: Posts; User: Korbe78
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Got my codes! Thx d-dub!
Moderator please delete this thread! Thx
Got my youtube page & made a vid to link to my sexy BoneGame Videos!
More added soon!
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Give 5 stars at Bonetoob! Thx!
Sorry D-dub but you got some major compotition now!
Got my games working again! Actually contacted a d-dub person! they still exist! XD
Making new vids!
Homeland Security -
Imagine if they could team up with Illusion games! Artificial Bonegirl!
Check out my newest vid!
Homeland Security - Probing for Bombs
Just some random sex in the Homeland trailer park.
Oculus Rift is coming.
Can you see BT-VR being a reality?
Go to Digital Storm Online for affordable gaming PC's!
I could really use a mod to stop stamina drain during sex scenes to make them last longer!
Not enough stamina!
By the time you click through half the positions half your stamina is gone!
Need WAY more stamina so the scene can last longer.
Is there a way to change this either through...
Found it! Love answering my own questions! lol
Edit: 'mainCharCGMorphWeight
I used to know a way to change the main character's size & keep him small.
It's been so long I don't remember how to do it.
I know you have to change a number on the save game file but not sure...
I tried contacting 'them' no response. so if they don't care, neither do I anymore.
lol good luck w/ that. Pirating killed D-dub. too many fans just not paying so no money for sequels.
I warned you!
got a new pc & cant play either game cus I need an unlock code! err. can anyone help? still got my serial numbers. sux.
best game sex now is skyrim w/ sexlab!
I need my unlock codes. i'm not buying these games AGAIN! shouldn't have to. if I get a new pc I shouldn't have to buy all my games again. skyrim didn't pull this shit. and after all ive done to...
Welcome! Please sign up & yak at the forums! Hope w/ enough support they do better than d-dub at the moment! still rooting for ya d-dub!
hi sexaholic!
check out Dat Game reviews!
they just started their website & need support!
they've reviewed Bonetown & Bonecraft & have their...
went to link & there was no gif. just an error page. cant u post the gif here?
cool program! never knew how the gifs were made. sry for no responses. this place is
cricket ville. they shoulda made...
Found my serial number but now I get a message about too many pc's? two is too many apparently!
I need an unlock code now to play. errrr....can u gimme an unlock code or no more vids from me!
I got the game direct download & got a new pc. Now I can't play without the serial number. Is there some file that says it in my game or is there someone I can contact to get my serial number? thanx
Good luck! Hope you get elves & stuff to roam the streets of BT but I'd miss a lot of the new sex!
Also just plugging my YouTube :
If you've been to Bonetoob then you've seen my videos. Please check out my YouTube site.
I set it up so people who have seen my vids can leave comments! Go here thx!
I think nobody noticed the server timed out & it needed renewing. Nice to now if we weren't here most of the internet would delete itself! lol
Well they renewed their site after being gone for 2 days so I guess that means they're still alive. lol