
Type: Posts; User: artmvr

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  1. Replies

    Sticky: Me thinks D-Dub isn't long for this world.......

    Me thinks D-Dub isn't long for this world.... Bone craft was a fun game but it, clearly!!!!, wasn't as well developed as Bone town. They havent offered any patches to fix the many glitches in the...
  2. Yeah I already have 1.0.4 installed. It didn't...

    Yeah I already have 1.0.4 installed. It didn't fix a thing. It's so sad that a game that has SO MUCH potential doesnt work well.... Let's just hope they get the bugs worked out and give us a patch...
  3. Arrrggghhhhh..... I cant reach the damn last alien artifact!!!!

    I have 24 of the artifacts!!!! I can see the last one high atop the pillars just outside the elf brothel / castle. But, no matter what I do I can't seem to reach it!!!!

    Any hints and or walk...
  4. Woot Woot !!!!!! The UnlockChicks(gamechar);...

    Woot Woot !!!!!! The UnlockChicks(gamechar); console code worked!!!! I now have Hispanic chicks!!!! Oddly enough having that final chick token seems to make the game run a little smoother.

  5. Doesn't it seem like D-Dub should be putting out some sort of patch for BC

    Lots of folks are reporting all sorts of glitches and errors with BC. Doesn't seem like this game needs a patch?

    Who knows maybe D-Dub will respond to this thread and let us know if its coming and...
  6. Cool thanks I will give it a try

    Cool thanks I will give it a try
  7. Pino, thanks for the idea. I saw that post,...

    Pino, thanks for the idea. I saw that post, unfortunately I am just a user not a programmer. So I don't have the skills to find the save file (I tried looking for it but couldn't find it). So I guess...
  8. Replies

    You said it Brother!!!!! You would not believe...

    You said it Brother!!!!! You would not believe the shit that I have seen: Walls disappearing, chicks disappearing whilst fucking them or each other, two robo ho's at one time, repeated crashes, lag...
  9. Thread: Tech Support

    by artmvr

    Sticky: Yeah lots of folks have had problems with the...

    Yeah lots of folks have had problems with the game being glitchy. Your just going to have to suffer through it like the rest of us. D-Dub isn't offering any help
  10. There is definitely a glitch at mission 6 in the...

    There is definitely a glitch at mission 6 in the game. I just tried playing the mission on all three levels (hoping that doing it three times would cause it to work) and the game crashes on the hard...
  11. Does anybody have a solution to the missing Hispanic chicks from chapter 6

    I've played the game all the way through on all levels. I have everything with the exception of the Hispanic chicks. No matter how many times I play the episode through I cant get the icon. Anybody...
  12. Thread: Tech Support

    by artmvr

    Sticky: Bonecraft is SERIOUSLY glitchy

    Well I have finally played the game all the way through. And I have now seen just about every symptom that everybody has reported. Disappearing walls, game crashing, disappearing sex bot, etc etc......
  13. Thread: Tech Support

    by artmvr

    Sticky: Well...... Looks like nobody at D-dub is paying...

    Well...... Looks like nobody at D-dub is paying attention...... Multiple users have posted problems with the game and we haven't heard a thing from them. I only hope that they are so busy fixing the...
  14. Thread: Tech Support

    by artmvr

    Sticky: Are we (The Loyal D-Dub supporters) going to get...

    Are we (The Loyal D-Dub supporters) going to get any sort of update about the issue of Bonecraft crashing? It appears that there are a number of users here that are having the same issue. The only...
  15. Thread: Tech Support

    by artmvr

    Sticky: Log file attached

    158 Sorry, I just read the post on how to post my console file. Her it is

    Again the issue is that the game is crashing in the elf kingdom. the post above.
  16. Thread: Tech Support

    by artmvr

    Sticky: Hello, Loyal Bonetown player and now trying...


    Loyal Bonetown player and now trying to be a Bonecraft player. Everything seems to work fine until I get to the third stage of the elf mission (the mission immediately following the orc...
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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