I would argue that it takes more than just better sex scenes to declare bonetown worse than bonecraft. aside from that and the combat, bonetown was by far superior to bonecraft just by pure...
Type: Posts; User: animedingo
I would argue that it takes more than just better sex scenes to declare bonetown worse than bonecraft. aside from that and the combat, bonetown was by far superior to bonecraft just by pure...
take a screen cap I'm not familiar with this chick
you have to use the jetpack to get up there
yeah Bonecraft was like half as long and frankly I wouldn't call it a clone of bonetown, since Bonetown was actually good XD.
probably all the ones that would apply still work. like the balls one would increase your blue bar
ya know what might help? godlike(gamechar);
just sayin
that sounds like a terrible idea
yeah I really did enjoy the challenge of sex in that game. its too easy in Bonecraft
we know they made money off boentown because they made bonecraft!
Is it just me or was Bonetown better? I mean the guns are a nice touch and the new sex positions were nice, but as for the objective of getting laid, its just too easy. and theres nothing to do in...