I did the final mission as Satan. Don't remember any trouble with the horns. And getting to the angel while Satan was worth the bother of all that practice and trying to get there.
Type: Posts; User: Starpilot
I did the final mission as Satan. Don't remember any trouble with the horns. And getting to the angel while Satan was worth the bother of all that practice and trying to get there.
You want to get to sex easy and often in the JPRGs, then play the "hardcore" ones. Generally this means lots of sex scenes in the game, and not a "you won the heart of girl X" in many of JRPG games.
I believe the bill item says D-Dub Software. If she searches for that, she'll end up here, so you can't "hide" the purchase that way.
If you work on adult games, you should be able to tell her its...
High Octone, you do realize that this is the internet and everyone is a mouthly little dick.
They upgraded the graphic engine to make the sex scenes better. That's what was posted by D-Dub some time back.
My point is that you used CHEAT CODES on Bonecraft. That made it easy for you to beat. Then you complain because it was easy to beat.
I enjoyed Bonetown. But it was just a fighting and exploring...
Funny, I work for a multi-billion dollar software company. Our software has a lot more bugs than Bonecraft, but our customers keep shelling out big money for it, and upgrade to the newest version as...
Because you used the cheat codes.
If you used those cheat codes in bonetown, you'd beat it VERY easy as long as you had maps of where to go. Bonetown was trivial to beat--- it just took time to explore. Since Bonecraft has very...
You used the health cheat to beat the game on easy and normal? I am surprised you needed it to beat easy or normal.
I didn't need the health cheat. I'm surprised you said you needed it to beat the game on easy and normal.
Beating the levels on hard unlock different girls.
Press tab key.
I'm looking forward to what the modders do with this game.
It looks like the game resolution settings (under Windows 7) are stored in:
C:\Users\((YOUR USER NAME))\AppData\Roaming\BoneCraft\game\client\prefs.cs
where ((YOUR USER NAME)) = the user name...
Sounds like the invisible sex bot bug. Sometimes, for whatever reason, the game gets confused as to what skin she is set to, and sets it to a skin you haven't yet unlocked. This makes her invisible....
Sexbot can be swapped by clicking on the girls in the left bar of the sex shop. As you play through and unlock them, you get more skins you can put her in. The arrows on the bottom of the sex shop...
The fatty waiting around to be banged is in the "The Hare And The Mare". It's one of the bungalos in the fantasy area.
Well sniperdoc, a couple of your issues I think you might have caused yourself. I've seen the bug with ammo and not being able to increase it. That happens when the gamefile gets screwed with and...
Headmaster is a bit pissy on hard unless you realize the trick. Rifle Rifle Rifle. Always run on jet fuel, and when the boys are done screwing the girls, there's a health power up left behind in that...
Captain is upgradable. Upgrade your own weapons! Not just buy new ones, but upgrade the existing ones. It will really help. Only Lub isn't upgradable.
Some Illusion games are legal to buy in the USA. But not the ones that involve sex with underage girls. It's the anti-child porn laws that make that illegal. Mind you, Illusion wouldn't get in...
Most of the hard levels are beatable. For most combat, you can get the cannon, load up on jet fuel, get up high, and and just unload on the enemy. It is helpful to max out the upgrades of the grunts,...
I'm sad for those of you who cannot enjoy playing BC. I hope D-Dub can fix the issues stopping you and get that release out soon.
I will just remind people to make sure they have the latest...
The jewish girl should be in there. All the girls from BT are in there, from what I've seen.