
Type: Posts; User: TheMadCow

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  1. Replies

    To find BoneCraft's console logs, follow these...

    To find BoneCraft's console logs, follow these steps:

    1. At your desktop, click on the START (or Windows Logo if on Windows 7) button at the bottom-left of your screen

    2. Select "Run" and in...
  2. Replies

    Ah, so it looks like the patch does not retro-fix...

    Ah, so it looks like the patch does not retro-fix this issue on saved games/profiles created with version 1.0.0 of the game.

    But this issue does indeed look fixed as of 1.0.2 (with a newly created...
  3. Player can jump past barrier during Stage 2 of Chapter 6

    Location: Chapter 6 - Race to the Bitches

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Play through the game until unlocking Chapter 6 (or load a save and switch from a chapter/mission console to Chapter 6)

  4. Thread: Crashes

    by TheMadCow

    Sticky: The patch to upgrade the game from version 1.0.0...

    The patch to upgrade the game from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 can be downloaded from this post.

    If the patch is installed, there should now be a sub-folder called "BackupFor1.0.2" inside of the...
  5. Replies

    @Bonemaster Have you seen this happen occur...


    Have you seen this happen occur after the game has been updated to Version 1.0.2?

    I have yet to reproduce it after updating and starting up a new game, but so far I've only had time...
  6. I don't believe I did anything out of the...

    I don't believe I did anything out of the ordinary when reproducing this bug, but I'll give it a go on a new save since I've already unlocked all the chapter/mission consoles on my current one.
  7. Yeah, I've encountered this issue as well. ...

    Yeah, I've encountered this issue as well.

    Here are some screenshot examples:



    Game Version:
  8. Player is able to bone the Elf Queen before completing Chapter 11

    To Reproduce:

    1. Start a new game and progress up to unlocking Chapter 11 - Dicks Cometh; or load a save game prior to unlocking Chapter 11 - Dicks Cometh

    2. When at the mission console for...
  9. Exiting mission console to free roaming before completing Chapter 10 warps player

    Before starting "Chapter 10 - The Orgy" for the first time, if the player chooses to close the console window to enter free roaming mode, they are spawned back to area near the orc encampment.
  10. The "NEW" text overlay can overlap onto the wrong screen

    When the player unlocks something for the Mission Start screen (where the player can re-organize their squad, upgrade them, etc.), the text overlay of "NEW" will appear next to that unlock.

    But if...
  11. Font for "Hard Wood Elf" and "All Night Elf" appears incorrectly

    As of game version 1.0.2, when the player completes Chapter 8 and Chapter 10, the reward pop-ups for "Hard Wood Elf" and "All Night Elf" appear to be using a different font.

    Unlike the original...
  12. Replies

    Having an infinite stamina meter for the player...

    Having an infinite stamina meter for the player is a good idea; kind of like how BoneTown had it in the "Fantasy" Room where if you selected to replay the "reward scene" from a complete mission, the...
  13. I've seen enemies rarely pick these up as...

    I've seen enemies rarely pick these up as weapons, and one time I had one fly over the wall and into the water outside of the courtyard area (which I thought could be a problem, but you can jump...
  14. There is already an option to adjust the camera...

    There is already an option to adjust the camera distance from the player in the game that you may want to try different settings for.

    After launching the game and getting to the main menu, select...
  15. Replies

    Do you have a screenshot-taking program...

    Do you have a screenshot-taking program installed? A program like FRAPS can help a lot. It does require you to purchase its license to receive its full set of features, but even if you don't it still...
  16. Replies

    Time for a new save. :)

    Time for a new save. :)
  17. Replies

    I might post my own feedback, but I do share some...

    I might post my own feedback, but I do share some of the sentiments already mentioned in the previous posts; I've just been busy trying to give D-Dub all the assistance I can in trying to polish the...
  18. An Issue with Changing the Screen Resolution

    Apparently, changing the resolution to one your monitor doesn't like can prevent you from playing the game again.

    My original settings were 1920x1080 @59hz (full screen enabled) for the resolution...
  19. Elven Dagger icon image is different from the actual in-game model for the weapon

    Location: Any chapter or area of the game where the player can fight the Elves.

    Description: One of the elven daggers that the player can pick up, by beating down a random elf, and use has a...
  20. Replies

    A Request *Spoiler*

    I know it seems a little silly to mark this topic a *Spoiler*, but I didn't want to ruin the reward for others if they haven't collected all the Alien Artifacts yet.

    Anyhow, after collecting all...
  21. I did a "speed-run" through the game (using a...

    I did a "speed-run" through the game (using a save with pretty much everything unlocked/upgraded to max to make it easier) while skipping every cut-scene you encounter.

    End result is that besides...
  22. If the font used by "Hard Wood Elves" is the...

    If the font used by "Hard Wood Elves" is the issue, I also noticed that the unlock notification window for "All Night Elves" uses the same font, but it does not have the issue of text running off out...
  23. Replies

    In regards to the D-pad issue, this post might be...

    In regards to the D-pad issue, this post might be what you were looking for: Link

    I leave the other suggestions to D-Dub's discretion :) .
  24. Unlock Notification Window for Hard Wood Elves has cut-off text

    Location: During Chapter 7 - The Glory Days (though might be able to be done in a later chapter since the requirement for this unlock to appear is to have the player bone a Hard Wood Elf for the...
  25. Character Portrait does not match who is speaking

    Location: During Chapter 11 - Dicks Cometh

    In parts of Chapter 11, the player rescues 2 elf women from 2 Eye Ball Monsters. Though, when the 2nd elf woman is rescued, the Character Portrait that...
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****Custom Design Skin By BoneMaster****