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View Full Version : Need Permission to delete folder. HELP!

02-11-2012, 10:23 PM
Bummer dude. :(

I had a stubborn file that didn't want to delete,
I went to the end of the files & tried deleting that & it worked!
Then I just went backwards & deleted the rest, basically answering
my own question. LOL! Oh well!

R.I.P. Whitney. Now you can toke all you want!

03-04-2012, 03:53 PM
if you run into this problem again try lock hunter free ware prog. http://lockhunter.com/
this is common problem after the r2 update to windows xp. the os holds every open prog in running mode that causes shared files not to be deleted. to use lock hunter right click on the file or doc. you are to delete select "what is locking this file". it automatically finds the prog locking your attempt to delete. than manually close the prog locking the file. once closed you can delete it.

03-04-2012, 10:38 PM
Good to know thx! I hope it doesn't happen again.