View Full Version : Bonecraft: Whos getting boned here?
The only people getting "boned" here are the suckers like me who actually payed for this game.
If you played Bone Town then you know that Bone Craft is a big steaming pile of fail.
In BT you have many different and distinct levels, many tools/drugs at your disposal, many different varieties of girls to fuck. The map is huge, the dialog is wity, its a damn fine game.
In BC you have basically two levels (orcs/elves), a couple tools, basically 3 girls to fuck (robot, orc, elves) and yeah the elves have different colors but La Dee fuckin Da.
In BC the entire map is about the same size as the starting zone in BT. AND! the BC starting zone looks very familiar to that swamp like area in BT.
BC tries to make it seem like there are 12 different levels by splitting up each task into an entire level. it is a ridiculously short game.
In BC the dialog and story line is as if they paid a 13 year old to write up the plan of attack, and paid a couple 10 year old to actually write it. Remember when you played BT and actually thought "hey, this is some funny shit". Well no more of that! just straight up drivel that I couldn't care less about.
BT took me a long time to beat (without cheating), BC took me like 2 hours on hard mode.
This game is an outright slap in the face to the customers. You knew we were expecting a game at least as good as BoneTown, and you give us this trash. hell, even the graphics aren't updated.
If you are even considering buying this game I highly suggest you just wait until someone puts a cracked version online. I seriously doubt that will happen though since nobody would waste the time to crack such a shitty game in the first place.
If you people even have the slightest hope of making any money on a 3rd game you had better make a FREE expansion to bonecraft that at least doubles the content. Cuz if you leave us with this piece of shit game, and expect people to trust you like we did this time around then you are sorely mistaken.
We trusted you because Bone Town was truly a good game, not great, but good. Now you turn around and hand us this diaper full of shit? You had better get your shit together and fix this problem ASAP.
01-19-2012, 01:16 AM
Some of the people defending the game say that yes it uses the same design engine as Bonetown, but that it's not supposed to be like Bonetown in gameplay, but rather a spoof on WoW/ Starcraft, etc. with a little sexy elf sex thrown in.
That's fine, except that's not how the game was marketed. Everything I saw about the game over the last half-year was telling me that this was going to be Bonetown in Space. Everything I read about it now though tells me that this is not the case.
So I will stick with playing Bonetown and hope that some more modding can be done with it assuming the modding for Bonecraft will also work with Bonetown.
01-20-2012, 03:56 AM
BT and BC have about the same amount of time PLAYING the scenarios. BC has better models and animations in it, as well as better fighting, and wider range of sex acts on demand.
BT has several levels of exploration, however, and it took a LOT longer to collect your fuel types for your special powers. It also had that RPG bonus payouts by gaining new abilities for exploring (ie, beating Kirk gets you the lightning blast power, beating Dances With Elephants got you beer shots, etc) or increasing your ball size by doing the missions. These made it pay to explore, farm, and do the missions, and made it a full adventure game.
I don't recall ever seeing anything from Dub saying "Bonecraft will be Bonetown 2: Bonetown in space with elf fucking and orc fucking!". I do recall seeing it say "Bonetown will be space marines fucking elves! Oh, and there's fighting orcs as well." That's what was on the site, that's what was posted in the screenshots, and that's what is in the released trailers.
The only place we, the audience, get the "Bonetown sequel" is from things like "From the makers of Bonetown..." in the ads and the fact that it is the same company. The connection that it will be "BT 2"--- that's not from them. I saw people on the net saying it, but not the D-Dub web site itself. I expect a lot of us were hoping for a BT 2 with a SF twist--- as BT was a lot of fun. BC is ok, but it definitely has a different design philosophy and play model behind it.
01-20-2012, 07:48 PM
The problem for me is that they didn't specifically say it *wasn't* going to be Bonetown in space, and also didn't specifically say what is *was* going to be (ie: this will not be wide-open roaming like BT, but rather a fighting game! or whatever). Since they didn't specifically tell us it wasn't going to be like BT in space, but showed us the same animation style and focused just as much on the sex in the ads/trailers as the fighting, I don't think it's unfair to say that's why I (and many others apparently) assumed it was going to be BT in space.
01-24-2012, 09:43 PM
@ Loki
The only problem you have is that You assumed that bonecraft was going to be bonetown 2 with elves and orcs. D-dub from beggining stated that bonecraft was going to be a spoof of severeal differeent sci-fi franchises and it was going to be smaller than bonetown. And as an owner of both Bonetown and Bonecraft, hearing you bitch and moan like five year old who did not get a toy is troubling. I love both bone town and bonecraft. And they are both great games, and if you want to complain at least get your grammar a bit better, just because you are not happy with bonecraft does not give you the right to say that I am a sucker to buy the game. I have rights and mind of my own to make my own decision and I do not like people like you to speak for me or other like me who actually like the game and enjoy it.
01-25-2012, 05:14 AM
the game is not worth its money.....agree with Loki.
01-25-2012, 12:35 PM
In BT you have many different and distinct levels, many tools/drugs at your disposal, many different varieties of girls to fuck. The map is huge, the dialog is wity, its a damn fine game.
BT was a good game, and BC brings many of its positive qualities back to the table. Almost every mission had a different play style (kill count, point capture and defense, sex count, item collection, etc.). BC didn't have everything BT had, but it did have more (I will elaborate throughout the reply).
In BC you have basically two levels (orcs/elves), a couple tools, basically 3 girls to fuck (robot, orc, elves) and yeah the elves have different colors but La Dee fuckin Da.
BC only has two areas. While it would be nice to have more of an open world, one of the things I hated in BT was having to run for 5 minutes to get from one place (say, the beach) to another (the club downtown).
BC has plenty of weapon options (many melee weapons, 4 ranged weapons, 2 grenades, special attack)
BC has many more sex options and almost any kind of girl you want in the brothel (hot, fat, thin, big boobs, big ass, there's even a ladyboy). Take the time to unlock the options and you can get any of the looks that were in BT (even the angel and Satan's wife).
In BC the entire map is about the same size as the starting zone in BT. AND! the BC starting zone looks very familiar to that swamp like area in BT.
Yes, corners were cut. Take a minute to watch the credits and realize how small of a company D-Dub is. Blizzard reskinned Starcraft, tacked on a new story and refurbished graphics, then sold it 12 years later for a lot more than $35.
BC tries to make it seem like there are 12 different levels by splitting up each task into an entire level. it is a ridiculously short game.
A level is not a mission. BT had 11 missions with a couple bonus missions. BC has 12 missions, many of which have multiple parts.
In BC the dialog and story line is as if they paid a 13 year old to write up the plan of attack, and paid a couple 10 year old to actually write it. Remember when you played BT and actually thought "hey, this is some funny shit". Well no more of that! just straight up drivel that I couldn't care less about.
I didn't see much difference in the quality of the story line. BT starts out with your character getting pissed on, followed shortly by some stranger making you drink a potion made from ancient pubic hair. Wit abounds!
BT took me a long time to beat (without cheating), BC took me like 2 hours on hard mode.
How much of the time you spent playing BT through the first time was spent grinding drugs or money for drugs, running around figuring out the mechanics of the game, seeing which girls you could fuck, trying to reach something you needed another weed pipe or two to reach, and all the other things you do when playing a game for the first time?
This game is an outright slap in the face to the customers. You knew we were expecting a game at least as good as BoneTown, and you give us this trash. hell, even the graphics aren't updated.
Again, how many people worked on the graphics for this game? And what was the price you payed?
If you are even considering buying this game I highly suggest you just wait until someone puts a cracked version online. I seriously doubt that will happen though since nobody would waste the time to crack such a shitty game in the first place.
Because the best way to get a company to increase quality is to put them out of business.
The problem for me is that they didn't specifically say it *wasn't* going to be Bonetown in space, and also didn't specifically say what is *was* going to be (ie: this will not be wide-open roaming like BT, but rather a fighting game! or whatever). Since they didn't specifically tell us it wasn't going to be like BT in space, but showed us the same animation style and focused just as much on the sex in the ads/trailers as the fighting, I don't think it's unfair to say that's why I (and many others apparently) assumed it was going to be BT in space.
You made an assumption. It was wrong. They didn't specifically say the elves *wouldn't* come out of your screen and personally suck you off. The whole premise of BT was sex, drugs, and fighting. While BC mostly did away with the conventional drugs, what would you expect from the trailer other then sex and fighting?
BC may not be what you expected. Get over it. Wait for the modding tools to be released and then revel in the creativity of the fan base instead of trying to diminish it.
01-25-2012, 01:12 PM
If you are even considering buying this game I highly suggest you just wait until someone puts a cracked version
Peeps who even suggest such things as illegal downloading should get banned & their msg's erased!
I payed $50 bucks for BT when it first came out & yes it was worth 50. they dropped the price cus it's old but it's still worth 50, so when a smaller game is released at a smaller price,i e 35 for BC I don't get y u cry.? they don't do this shit just to give it away free. if 35 bux means SO much to u Y didn't u just wait for ur illegal oppertunity to present itself, spend ur 35 on crack like u usually do & go FUCK YOURSELF?> I love all sex related games! And i will always finacially support them. No matter who's making what, as long as it's resonable. BC=$35 or cheaper if u buy both! = WORTH IT IF U LOVE THIS KINDA SHIT! MORE SEX LESS VIOLENCE! VIVA LA D-Dub! LOL.
01-30-2012, 04:22 PM
I liked the game. It's a decent shooter with mechanics that work well most of the time.
Plenty of good ideas. Plenty of brilliant spoofs, especially with the voices. Fine job on those guys.
Bit on the shorter side, and some of the combat could be a little frustrating. Getting almost whacked by elves so much just before you clear the pre-castle areas was quite the challenge. The game engine got a little overwhelmed at times in the final battles of the dick monsters. Guess you couldn't control the game engine as deep as you needed to prevent that from happening. It didn't hurt the game so much for me though.
Perhaps your next game could have some drug-super powers that let you do more crazy stuff in the world, letting you create more interesting puzzles and challenges.
Just Cause 2 had this wonderful hook shot mechanic, that just turns you in to a spiderman super agent. If you could get fluidity like that going, with some good moves, puzzles and fighting challenges.... that would be really hard to pull off. :\ And expensive I guess.
Or give the character more places to find. You're got hills, valleys and castles now. Time for some moving stuff too. Elevators, jump pads, helicopters, cars.... yeah. Expensive to do. Saints Row with actual sex as a mechanic, reward and abilities. That would be something. Just a dream I guess.
01-31-2012, 01:24 AM
Whether you compare Bonecraft to Bonetown is pretty inconsequential. I thought Bonetown was a funny as hell game that was fun to play, had some really cool ideas, and lets face it, a good time bangin hot game chicks. Got Bonecraft, beat it in a few hours. I thought it had some pretty funny dialogue. Macho Man and Bush crack me up. But holy fuck. Theres a severe lack of content. Making each mission consist of three rounds shows that. At least add a little variety. I didnt even realize about free roam til about mission 5(yeah yeah I know) and even then I was too busy getting attacked to enjoy it much. Then I found the lightsaber nerds and the asians with the money bags on their respective islands. Why were they even there? And all just copy/paste from BT. I dont want to compare it to Bonetown, they are each their own animal. But BC has a ton copied from BT. And it seems more like Starcraft(also Blizzard) more than Warhammer, cept for the chainswords. But when you come out with a game like Bonetown and people like us really enjoy it, you have a level of expectation to meet as a designer. That level was not met by a longshot here. As far as the mod tool goes. Its cool they're doing that. But why rely on us to make the game we want instead of putting out what we wanted before we paid for it? I'd really like to see more from D-Dub in the future, but I'd like it to atleast be a lil higher in quality.
01-31-2012, 02:50 AM
My problem with this game is that almost everything is recycled, maps, poses, models (sexbot was in bonetown, the elves and orcs are new) The gameplay isnt all that different, its the same thing but they added some guns and took away drug attacks
the storyline and content on that string is significantly shorter than bonetown was, so we are paying another 35$ for a lot of the same stuff... had i not already bought bonetown i wouldnt be mad, but I did and i feel like i was ripped off
doubt they'll be making a 3rd game, because this kind of shit is going to really blow up in their faces, theres gotta be laws against selling someone the same thing twice like this
01-31-2012, 04:02 PM
You realize EA and the entire movie and tv industry makes its money on repeatily selling you (the consumer) the exact same thing, over and over and over again, right?
Heck, that's all Civ is--- the same thing, over and over again. Civ 1, Civ 2, SMAC, Civ 3, Civ 4, and now Civ 5. And they are consider the crowning achievement in TBS strategy games. Same game, just some stuff tweaked around, made or managed by the same developer as the original.
EA does it particularly obviously with the sports titles, but other game "franchises" are just the same thing, over and over again. Sometimes things are tweaked a little bit--- sometimes things are tweaked a lot. But it is still the same core game, often using the same engine or an engine that is just a single step forward versus the prior release. Their customers are either happy, or mad--- if they liked it, they are happy. If things aren't changed enough or are changed too much for their tastes, they are mad about it. Seems to be the same thing here. You are either okay with the changes between BT and BC, or you aren't. Since so few posters are actually here complaining, it seems the majority of repeat D-Dub purchasers are happy with BC. When a product really pisses off the fan base, they drown a forum.
I can understand people liking BC. I can understand if you wanted BT 2 with bonus content of gorgeous elves and orcs to beat up and are disappointed that BC is a different from what you had wanted. It's a forum, have your say.
02-01-2012, 01:29 PM
You bring up a lot of good points starpilot. We are often fed the same things when it comes to games, movies and other media, it's to be expected. However when going that route, many companies have proven that can still bring a product that is better than the original. BC had some good ideas, namely introducing guns and the ability to select which pose you want. However it does fall flat on many other points. For example, it's supposed to be a world of warcraft/starcraft parody, but there aren't any witty references to either game or jokes to that effect. They could have easily designed a game and did without the warcraft stuff as it has no real bearing on the product.
I loved bonetown, so much so that I eagerly snatched up bonecraft right when it came out, I want to support D-dub and their work, but if there is ever a part 3 to this series of games, they're gonna have to step up, new animations, perhaps a choice of gender for the main character, special sex scenes when finishing an area, and perhaps a return to the rpg style of gameplay from the first game, where you're rewarded for exploring, and there is more of a payoff when slogging through annoying levels.
04-19-2012, 08:44 PM
Beating the levels on hard unlock different girls.
04-23-2012, 11:32 PM
Hard was more like impossible so I just use the unlockChicks(gamechar) cheat.
Worth seeing angel,demon,nuns & so forth. The jewish girl is missing tho.
No jew wife,no wobbly H, what is going on? Did D-dub get shit from the jews?
Nobody should be excluded from Boning!
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