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View Full Version : Seriously, I really hate D-dub's non-existent PR: let us know what's up

10-24-2012, 03:21 AM
I know you are a small time company. And it makes sense to cut the time on PR for development time. And it also makes sense to make no promises, so you never break any promises. But you could do a *little* more about PR. Just tell us whether you are alive, and what your future plans are. No timescale. No promises, just what general direction you guys are taking. Is it another bonetown? Is it that wanking thing that I saw some videos of? Joining this forum every week just to see what's up and still no post about the future project is getting pretty lame after a few months.

Don't see this as a rant: I love your work and I bought both games and intend to buy the third, but you could really work on the PR bit.


10-25-2012, 01:04 PM
Hi Pino, just posted an update: http://forum.d-dub.com/showthread.php?2953-Hello-D-Dub-Community!-UPDATE!

Thanks for your feedback.

10-27-2012, 02:18 AM
Awesome! Thanks.