View Full Version : Tutorial 01 - Hello World
03-13-2012, 12:43 PM
Load the mission file tutorial.mis
With the main character, run over to the sign that reads "Hello world!"
Open the world editor (F11), then the AI Node Inspector (F5) and select the objective marker object named "Tutorial01Objective".
Open the file game/modkit/tutorial/Tutorial01Objective.cs with your code editor.
We use the term objective to mean an object in the world that runs a set of functions in script.
The cs file combined with the objective marker object in the world make an objective. This objective prints "Hello world!" to the console and gui when the main character gets within 5 meters of the object. Note that all of the functions have the argument %aMarker, which is the object in the world.
Most of the functions in this file are empty, but we define them anyway because they all get called by the ai manager. If there is an objective marker object in the world the ai manager will expect the functions with the same name to be defined. The scope object in the comments refers to the main character or the camera if it is not attached to the main character.
04-24-2012, 05:12 PM
why so many tutorials in the game for a game that is super short and easy to beat,i beated youre bc game in less than 2 or 3hours
The tutorials are all for creating your own shit. If u think u can do better than learn how to use the mod kit!
04-26-2012, 12:26 PM
The tutorials are all for creating your own shit. If u think u can do better than learn how to use the mod kit!
Erm like you have you mean!? Or do you just love talking shit on d dubs behalf?
04-26-2012, 01:54 PM
O_o Huh? Whatch U talkin bout, Phyllis?
04-26-2012, 03:36 PM
O_o Huh? Whatch U talkin bout, Phyllis?
What im talking about is you commenting on everyone's posts n riding d dubs dick hard just because you won a copy of a game! Richard!
04-26-2012, 09:58 PM
Actually if u check out the old BT forums you'd see I've been a fan of D-dub since the beginning!
Mostly because this is the only adult game that feels like a game & not just a 3D sim-sex site that charges some stupid monthly fee.
I comment alot cause it's fun to socialize. Altho there's ALOT of haters out there but I'm sure that's due to the amount of sexual tension & frustration one would have built up just to be here in the first place, plus we all have angry days!
As for winning, I got lucky on twitter. Right place, right time, so SUCK IT!
What does, Erm like you have you mean!? supposed to mean anyway's?
04-27-2012, 02:36 AM
Actually if u check out the old BT forums you'd see I've been a fan of D-dub since the beginning!
Mostly because this is the only adult game that feels like a game & not just a 3D sim-sex site that charges some stupid monthly fee.
I comment alot cause it's fun to socialize. Altho there's ALOT of haters out there but I'm sure that's due to the amount of sexual tension & frustration one would have built up just to be here in the first place, plus we all have angry days!
As for winning, I got lucky on twitter. Right place, right time, so SUCK IT!
What does, Erm like you have you mean!? supposed to mean anyway's?
I dont hate u, I just thnk your a dick! Simples! The erm comment was u tellin someone to learn to use the mod kit when u yrself cannot! From what I have seen u dnt even knw how to edit the game s
aves, so why not get off yr high horse an stop telling others to do something of which u yrself are not capable. As for sucking it no thnks as im no homo, but hey why not ask d dub to make a sailor game just for you?
04-27-2012, 12:58 PM
What are u talking about? Porncraft asked y there was so many tutorials and i told him y. u r making shit up cus ur having a bad day. dont send ur hate my way. stop making shit up. I'm only an asshole to assholes,welcome to the list!
04-27-2012, 02:41 PM
What are u talking about? Porncraft asked y there was so many tutorials and i told him y. u r making shit up cus ur having a bad day. dont send ur hate my way. stop making shit up. I'm only an asshole to assholes,welcome to the list!
No you didnt just tell him u gave him attitude, how exactly am I making that up? And like I said I dont hate u, I just think yr a mouthy little dick with to much attitude towards others who have a different opinion to u when it comes to this cut n paste BoneTown clone and im just telling u so. If that makes me an asshole so be it!
04-27-2012, 07:21 PM
Get used to it pal, cus everyone's got an opinion & an attitude. Don't be pissed at me cus ur mad that D-dub didn't make the game you wanted. Thanks for wasting time & space on this thread whining. lol
04-28-2012, 03:58 AM
Get used to it pal, cus everyone's got an opinion & an attitude. Don't be pissed at me cus ur mad that D-dub didn't make the game you wanted. Thanks for wasting time & space on this thread whining. lol
Lets get one thing perfectly straight from the start sunshine, Im not, never will be your pal! As I dont like mouthy assholes like u, what does it take to get through? Told u im not pissed at u, im just stating a fact, fact is yr a mouthy little boy with to much to say. And whining lol im
just standing upto u and u dnt like it. Pity more ppl didnt with yr dumbass attitude!
Anyway Im gonna stop this argument as I should'nt be arguing with you your an idiot, you'll just bring me down to your level then beat me with experience!
please continue arguing, it is very interesting to read, thanks.
04-28-2012, 05:57 PM
I'm just having fun w/ these rageaholics. Whatever keeps ppl coming here is helpful. I'm a reflection of you!
Let porncraft fight his own battles HO. thats my new nickname for u, ho. lol Pino's having fun. O_o
Ok cease fire. But if ppl are going to say stupid shit I will be there to comment on it during my quest!
I will be here until I lose the last of my sight tormenting any zombies I come accross.
And supporting the best adult games the world can offer. And sadly right now this is it.
04-28-2012, 09:49 PM
High Octone, you do realize that this is the internet and everyone is a mouthly little dick.
04-29-2012, 11:27 AM
I'm just having fun w/ these rageaholics. Whatever keeps ppl coming here is helpful. I'm a reflection of you!
Let porncraft fight his own battles HO. thats my new nickname for u, ho. lol Pino's having fun. O_o
Ok cease fire. But if ppl are going to say stupid shit I will be there to comment on it during my quest!
I will be here until I lose the last of my sight tormenting any zombies I come accross.
And supporting the best adult games the world can offer. And sadly right now this is it.
Lol! As I said experience! An yeah Star Pot I knw every1's a keyboard warrior.
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